TBI Flashcards
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Brain injury caused external force that may produce diminished/altered consciousness, resulting in impaired cognitive abilities.
Mild TBIRapid onset, usually resolving within weeks
Milder injury without neurological symptoms.
Concussion rate in HS vs College Sports
Causes of TBI
What are some Immediate Symptoms of TBI?
Mechanical Forces Producing Head Injury
TBI Coup and Countercoup Injuries
Coup Injury: focal damage at the site of impactCountercoup Injury: focal damage on the opposite side of impact
Mechanism of Blast Injuries
Primary: Effects of blast wave itself aka pressureSecondary: Effects of missiles being propelled by blast forceTertiary: Effects of impacts with other objects (coup-countercoup)
What are Diffuse Axonal Injuries of TBI?
Microscopic white matter injury due to axonal shearing (esp. coritcal sulci)-Axons can swell and degenerates causing impairment to pathway.-APP (Amyloid Precursor protein) accumulates in damaged axons-Not seen in CT, MRI scans-DTI can detect abnormality to pathway organization.
Acute Effects of TBI
-Possible loss of consciousness-“Shearing” of axons-Increased levels of activation on fMRI-Depolarization of neurons, glutamate release-Inflammation, disruption of blood brain barrie-Increased amyloid beta-If severe, intracranial bleeding.
What happens if second injury while symptomatic?
Metabolic dysfunction (increased demand, but reduced energy)Rare: diffuse cerebral swelling. (DCS)
What are Chronic Effects of TBI?
1 .Post- Concussion Syndrome2. Chronic Traumatic Enecephalopathy (CTE)
What is Post-Concussion Syndrome?
A concussion that persists 3 most or more after single, mTBI-Headaches, dizziness, poor memory and attention, executive dysfunction, mood and personality symptoms-DTI Findings
Chronic Traumatic Enecephalopathy (CTE)
DELAY ONSET neurodegeneration; latent periodLinked to repeated TBIs (There is no specific threshold)First identified as “Punch drunk”Memory loss, attention, new learning and executive deficitsNeuropsychiatric symptomsMotor symptoms
What is Dementia Pugilistica?
“Punch Drunk”
What is the Gross Pathology for CTE?
What is CTE Histology?
How is TBI considered a risk factor for Alzheimer’s Disease?
Increased risk, accelerated onset-Dose dependent relationship-Increased risk for APOE4?-CTE vs Alzheimer’s (similar pathological features)No way to predict who will develop CTE
What is the relationship between Aging and TBI
Increased severity of TBI will lead to earlier onset of Aging