TB, Histo, Cocci Flashcards
How is TB transmitted?
Airborne droplet nuclei
Can you get TB from a homeless person coughing when they walk past you?
Not likely. Usually requires prolonged exposure, like someone you live with.
How long after TB exposure will the PPD skin test be positive?
6-8 weeks
A latent TB infection involves macrophages surrounding the tubercle bacilli and creating a barrier shell called a ________
What can cause latent TB to reactivate
An immunocompromised state
After exposure, how many peopel develop active disease?
How many peopel with latent TB have a reactivation?
Can a chest X ray confirm TB diagnosis?
No, need diagnostic microbiology
What is the number one killer of HIV patients?
What are the symptoms of TB?
Cough (3 wks) may or may not be productive/bloody
Chest pain
What is the classic finding of TB on physical exam?
Posttussive Crackles
How do you inject the Mantoux tuberculin skin test?
Given in forearm intradermal*
Create wheal with 0.1 mL PPD
How long after injecting PPD do you read the TST?
48-72 hrs
When reading a TST, what do you measure?
Induration, not redness
If a patient comes in and says they were hanging out with someone with active TB one week ago, and they want to know if they caught it, should you do a TST?
No, becasue it wont be positive for 6-8 weeks following exposure
A TST skin test is considered positive at 5mm of induration for what 5 groups of peopel?
- HIV +
- Recent contacts of those with active TB
- Evidence of TB on CXR
- Immunosuppressed (Chronic steroids)
- Organ transplant patients
A TST test is considered positive at 10mm for what 7 groups of peopel?
- Recent immigrants from countries with lots of TB
- IV drug users
- Mycobacterial lab personnel
- Residents/employees of high risk settings (healthcare workers, inmates, correction officers etc)
- High risk medical conditions
- Children under 4
- Youth who are exposed to high risk adults
A TST skin test is considered positive at _____mm for anyone without risk factors for TB
Why do healthcare workers neeed a 2 step TB test for their initial test?
1st test: negative
2nd test 1-3 weeks later: positive, TB infection present (creates “boosted” response and is likely due to past exposure)
I have nooooooooo clue what this means
What is the name of the TB vaccine that may create false positive TSTs
BCG (bacillus Calmette-Guerin)
What is the name of the interferon Gamma Release Assays (Blood tests) for TB testing
QuantiFeron TB Gold
When would be good situations to do the more expensive TB blood test instead of the skin test?
- concerns that patient won’t return for the reading
- received BCG vaccine
Will the TB blood test differentiate between active/latent TB
What will you see on CXR of primary active TB?
Hilar lymphadenopathy*****
Miliary pattern**
Pleural effusions/infiltrates
Will a CXR tell you if the pt has active or latent TB
What are you likely to see on CXR of latent TB
Dense nodules or lesions with possible calcification
What will you see on CXR of someone with a reactivation of latent TB
Where in the lung fields do TB abnormalities appear?
Apical/posterior upper lobes
Superior areas of lower lobe
What does a Ranke complex indicate?
Healed primary TB
What does a Ranke Complex consist of?
- Ghon Lesion(Focus): calcified granuloma (tuberuloma)
2. Calcified hilar lymph node
How much sputum do you need to get to do TB sputum tests?
3 specimens 8-24 hours apart
At least 1 in the morning
What are the 3 TB tests you can do on sputum?
What does a sputum smear look for and how long does it take?
Looks for acid-fast bacilli
Easy and fast results
What kind of Cytology test is done on sputum to look for TB?
Nuclei Acid amplification test (NAA)
Takes 48 hours
What is the only thing that will CONFIRM a diagnosis of TB?
Sputum culture
Sputum smear and cytology will support your dx, but can’t confirm it
What should you do if the AFB and NAA sputum tests are positive, but you don’t have the sputum culture results back yet?
TB disease is presumed, Pt is quarantined, and treatment is initiated immediately