TB 90: Fire Burns Flashcards
T.B. 90:
STEAM can cause Full Thickness burns to unprotected skin with less than ____ seconds exposure.
3 ses.
T.B. 90:
What temperature range will cause Extreme Pain and Full Thickness Burns to all Unprotected Skin?
280 - 320 deg. F
T.B. 90:
SECOND Degree Burns can occur with exposure to ONLY ____ degrees.
111 degrees
T.B. 90:
SECOND Degree Burns can occur within 20 seconds of exposure to ____ degrees.
131 degrees
T.B. 90:
SECOND Degree Burns can occur within 1 second of exposure to ____ degrees.
158 degrees
T.B. 90:
______ Burns develop FASTER and are more SEVERE than Dry Heat Burns at the same Temperature due to Latent Heat Transfer.
T.B. 90:
What is the MOST severe type of exposure?
Direct Flame Inpingement
T.B. 90:
A Firefighter caught in a FLASHOVER just ___ ft. inside of a Room will be exposed to temperatures of _____ to _____ F, and Direct Flame Impingement for at least ___ seconds.
5 ft.
1,000 - 1,500 F
2 sec.
T.B. 90:
BTU - is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of ____ pound of WATER ____ degree Fahrenheit.
1 pound
1 degree
T.B. 90:
_________ _______ is the thermal capacity of a SUBSTANCE. It is the number of BTU’s required to raise the temp. of 1 lb of a substance 1 deg. F.
Specific Heat
T.B. 90:
The Quantity of heat ABSORBED by a substance when passing between PHASES is known as ________ ______.
Latent Heat
T.B. 90:
The transmission, spread or distribution of HEAT through the MOTION of a Heated Fluid is known as what?
T.B. 90:
The PRIMARY heat transfer method within structures is ____________. It is also responsible for the majority of Fire and Smoke SPREAD within structures. Thermal Layering and Mushrooming are explained by understand this concept.
T.B. 90:
The transfer of heat through MATTER without any visible motion of that matter is known as __________.
T.B. 90:
This is the ONLY method of Heat transfer through SOLID OBJECTS.
T.B. 90:
The PRIMARY consideration relative to Conduction is STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY. The transfer of heat from Metal connectors to Wooden structural members, weakening this connections, is a major cause of _________ _________. Especially with ANY type of ______ Construction.
Structural Collapse
T.B. 90:
What are the THREE stages in the development of an Interior Fire?
- ___________
- ___________
- ____________
Fully Developed
T.B. 90:
Synthetic Furnishings burn ___ to ___ times Hotter and Faster than ordinary combustibles making the Time Temperature Curve look more like a Spike.
2 to 3
T.B. 90:
______ ______ is a sudden sporadic generation of flame mixed with smoke at the upper ceiling level just before FLASHOVER occurs. It is the LAST warning to withdraw from the area.
Roll Over
T.B. 90:
_______ _________ is the 3rd Flash Phenomenon. It usually occurs after Flashover and is defined as the rapid flame spread over one or more surfaces during a fire.
Flame Over
T.B. 90:
- A fire burning within a room or area that is producing a buildup of heated smoke at the upper levels of the structure.
- Smoke that is increasing in heat density.
- Rapid banking down of heat and smoke.
- Fire of significant intensity exposing contents and surrounding areas to Radiant and/or Convective Heat.
These are all WARNING SIGN of what?
T.B. 90:
Flashover Warning Signs may not be apparent in building with Large Unenclosed floor or Attic Spaces and Ceilings ___ to ____ ft. above the Floor or Joist Level.
12 to 20 ft.
T.B. 90:
When a Fire occurs in a structure with Full Walls and Normal Ceiling Heights of ____ to ____ ft. the Smoke and Heat will quickly accumulate and BANK DOWN indicating the Flashover Danger.
8 to 10 ft.
T.B. 90:
- Sickly or Intermittent flame due to reduced oxygen level
- Smoke being DRAWN past you into the fire area.
- Heavy Smoke SWIRLING with great force.
- Flickering Flames in the smoke above you as heavier combustion products suspended in the superheated atmosphere try to ignite.
These are all WARNING SIGNS of what?
Smoke Explosion
T.B. 90:
Smoke Explosions often occur after unsuccessful ________ and extinguishment operations have been underway for some time. They are SUDDEN and unexpected and can TRAP and BURN Firefighters.
T.B. 90:
In order for a BACKDRAFT to occur, Oxygen content must fall to ___% - ___%. Explosive products of combustion can be ____ - _____ F.
11% - 15%
1,000 - 1,800 F
T.B. 90:
- Smoke ISSUING out of any available structural openings, door jambs, window frames, roof, and attic vents, wall cracks etc.
- Smoke IGNITING when it rolls into the outside air.
- Heavy, hot smoke is visible but NO fire cam be seen or heard.
- Structure appears to be BREATHING or PUFFING smoke.
- Windows DARKENED due to long exposure to heat, may look like mirrored glass from the outside.
- Condensation forming on windows.
- Windows PULSATING or RATTLING from internal pressure.
- Large plate glass windows may BULGE from pressure.
These are all WARNING SIGNS of what?
T.B. 90:
The primary DIFFERENCE between Flashover and Backdraft is the amount of _____ present.
T.B. 90:
A __________ occurs during the First of “Growth” stage of a fire and INITIATES the transition to the Second or “Fully Developed” stage.
T.B. 90:
A __________ occurs during the SMOLDERING or “Decay” stage of the fire and is triggered by the addition of oxygen via a door or window.
T.B. 90:
Flashover signals the beginning of the Collapse Danger of a fire. Before Flashover occurs the fire is fueled by _________. After Flashover the __________ Elements of the building may begin to burn.
T.B. 90:
- Truss construction
- URM construction
- Cantilever construction
- Unprotected Steel construction
These FOUR types of construction present the Greatest Danger to firefighters from _______.
T.B. 90:
If Vertical Ventilation is required, provide a minimum of TWO ladders to every structure and ONE additional ladder for every ____ Member Team on the roof.
TWO Member