TB 4 Flashcards
Tank trucks transport _______ of all fuel used by vehicles
LAFD regulates flammable and combustible liquids in Div ______ of the fire code
Div 38
Gasoline tankers have a vapor pressure of _____ psi
3 psi
Single tank truck with two axles capacity?
Three axles?
Tank tractor with a semitrailer connected together by a fifth wheel. Length and capacity?
40 feet long and 9000 gallons
Tank truck pulling a two axle trailer
Capacity of truck tank and trailer tank
Truck tank 4200
Trailer tank 4800
9000 gallons total
Trailer tank wall thickness
3/16 and gets thinner as you get to the top
When are double bulkheads required?
When carrying flammable products with different flash points
How many gallons could plugged up void spaces carry?
200 gallons
Tank failure at relatively low temps have pressure relief devices designed to maintain ____ to ____ psi
3-5 psi
Eliminate potential ignition sources a minimum of _____ ft from a spill
Do nuptials use plain water unless
It’s to perform a rescue
Plan for a ___ minute supply of concentrate for suppression operations.
Plan for an extra _____ minute supple of concertante for foam blanket Maintenence
LAFD foam tenders carry _____ gallons of class B foam
1000 gallons
Aluminum tanks melt at ____
1200 degrees