During normal, day-to-day operations, the emergency operation switch will be in which position?
“OFF” position
What two ways can Phase I, “Recall Phase” be activated?
Manually (via “Emergency Service” key switch in the lobby or fire control room) OR Automatically (via activation of an elevator lobby smoke detector)
Where will elevator cars recall during Phase I, “Recall Phase”?
Lobby OR designated recall floor
Unaccounted elevators will require the Incident Commander to implement an…
“Elevator Group”
Purpose of an “Elevator Group” is…
To determine the location and status of any elevator not returning to its recall location and the potential for extrication and rescue.
Phase II, “Override Phase” becomes operative when…
Both switches (Phase I & Phase II) are in the “ON” position
If the elevators have been recalled to the lobby by the activation of a smoke detector, the lobby panel should always be…
switched to the “ON” position and the key removed
When operating elevators in the “Emergency Service” mode, the ___________________________ and ____________________ are rendered inoperable
Automatic door open feature and photo-electric device
Continuous pressure on the “Door Open” button causes the elevator doors to open. If the button is released prior to the doors reaching the fully opened position, the doors will…
Automatically close
Open doors are closed by continuous pressure on the “____________” button
“Door Closed”
If a “Door Closed” button is not provided, continuous pressure on the _______ ____ button will serve to close the doors.
Desired floor
When multiple floor buttons have been selected, the elevator is designed to stop at the _______ floor selected. At that time, all other selections are _________.
The “HOLD” elevator panel key position is used in order to maintain the elevator car on the floor where the elevator is currently located as well as maintaining the doors in the ____ position.
TRUE/FALSE…The service key should be removable from the panel when placed in the “HOLD” position.
When the interior elevator key position is in the “OFF” position, the Emergency Service mode returns to…
PHASE I, which will cause the elevator to return to the lobby (or designated recall floor)