Taxable Income (subtracted from AGI) Flashcards
Interest used to purchase investment property- deductible
Mortgage interest- deductible for 1st or 2nd residence on loans up to 1M
Home Equity indebtedness of up to 100K is deductible
Personal interest- (credit cards) not deductible
State- income, local-income, real property, personal taxes- deductible
Regular state and local- generally not deductible but can be in lieu of state and local income taxes
Casualty and theft- non bus property
Deductible to the extent they exceed up to 10% of TP AGI (must exceed statutory floor of $100)
Waging losses (gambling)
Can deduct only up to the amount of your gains
Ex: you won 8K and lost 10K- can deduct up to 8K
Losses on transactions entered into for Profit
Profit seeking transactions are capital- deductible
Charitable Contributions
Has to be cash or property (never services); up to 50% of AGI- deductible
Excess may be carried over for 5 years
Contributions of more than $250 must be substantiated by a bank record or contemporaneous written acknowledgment from charity
If there is consideration- the deduction = value of contribution - value of consideration
Medical expenses
deductible if it exceeds 7.5% of AGI
Misc Itemized deductions
Must exceed 2% of AGI
Expenses for Profit Seeking Ventures
Ed. Expenses- “maintain or improve skills”; in current trade or for retention;
Employee meal/lodging- 50% of meals and 100% of lodging
Transportation- not normal commuting