Tax - Midterm Flashcards
Rental Income
Interest Income
Net Taxable Capital Gains (Including Business Assets)
Capital Loss Carryforwards
NO Dividends
Need to determine tax
Net Taxable Capital Gains (Not for business assets)
Dividends from non-connected corporations
Rental Income
Interest Income
NO Loss Carryforwards
Used for determining SBD limit deduction
SBD Deduction
SBD is as lesser of :
- Taxable Capital between 10M and 50M
- AAII between 50k and 150k
CCPC without SBD
Components of CFA Account
Non-taxable portion of Capital Gains
Capital Dividends from Other Corps
Life insurance proceeds minus ACB of policyholder
Minus Capital Dividends Paid
Advice to give for selling company
Clear out RDTOH, CDA
Tax treatment of dividends received by a corp (connected vs non-connected)
Corps - Include in income
By canadian corp - div is deductible
Portfolio dividends - may be subject to pat IV tax
Individuals -
Gross Up and then tax credit
Stock Dividend Treatment
Treated as cash dividend
amount of dividend deemed to be equal to increase in PUC due to stock dividend, regardless of FMV - also considered to be cost of shares
Dividend in Kind Treatment
Corp deemed disposed of assets at FMV
Shareholders deemed to acquire assets at FMV
Dividend paid/received equal to FMV of assets
Loss to corp on transfer of assets to controlling SH is denied
When do deemed dividends occur
When PUC increases with no corresponding increase in net assets
DD is added to ACB of shares (so they are not taxed again)
When does DD not occur?
Increase in PUC is less than increase in FMV of net assets
Increase in PUC is bc of stock dividend
Increase in PUC bc of decrease in another PUC for a similar or larger amount
Increase in PUC due to conversation of Contributed Surplus
When FMV> increase in PUC - Contributed Surplus
When increase in PUC > increase in FMV - deemed dividend
What is PUC Reduction/Treatment
Happens for entire class of shares
Reduction in PUC without redemption of any shares
If amount of PUC reduction is greayer than PUC - Deemed dividend
If lesser, PUC is simply reduced
If PUC reduction > ACB of shares - Capital Gain - ACB values change accrodginly
DD does not occur if shares are redeemed from open market -
Winding Up Procedures
Determine ABI, AII, CDA on sale of assets
Subtract Liabilities including tax liabilities (consider AAII and reductions to SBD)
Add back RDTOH amounts
Determine amount of deemed dividends, elect for CDA and taxable dividends
Ensure taxable dividends are adequate for RDTOH refund
Determine Capital Gain or Capital Loss for shareholders
GIVE ADVICE!! - Pay out PUC, Pay out CDA, Pay out RDTOH, wait till in lower tax bracket
AR Election - Sale of assets
Reserve must be added to income regardless of whether section 22 is used
With the election, any capital gains or losses on AR are treated as business income for the seller and purchaser
Without the election, they would be considered capital amounts for both - purchaser cannot deduct a reserve without the election
If Section 22 is elected, purchaser MUST include the gain in income
They can then deduct the reserve for doubtful debts and bad debts
ONLY allowed if purchaser has purchased substantially all the assets and intends to continue the business