Tax Fundamentals Flashcards
Who provides the official interpretation of the Tax Code
US Treasury Department
What is the highest source of authority next to the Code. Regulations have the full force and effect of law.
Treasury Department Regulations
What is the Internal Revenue Bulletin (IRB)
Announces official rulings and procedures of the IRS, and publishes Treasury decisions, Executive Orders, Tax Conventions, legislation, court decisions, and other items of general interest.
Rules & Reg’s do not have have the full force of law
Revenue Rulings
Interpretations of the tax law with regard to taxable income, deductions, credits.
Do not have the full force of law
Gives guidance to IRS personnel and taxpayers
Revenue Procedures
Internal Management practices & procedures of the IRS as they affect the rights or duties of a taxpayer under the law
IRS uses Revenue Procedures to distribute info to general public
What are Letter Rulings?
at request of tax payer, the National Office of the IRS will describe it’s position on specific tax issue.
- applies only to taxpayer who requested it
- IRS does not publish PLR’s
- PLR cannot be cited as precedent by anyone other than taxpayer
Determination Letters
issued by area district director in response to a taxpayer request regarding a completed transation
Technical Advice Memorandum (TAM)
a ruling by the IRS National Office prompted by a request from an agent performing an audit who needs clarification that cannot be provided by the local office
The Federal Judicial System has three trial courts..what are they
- US District Court - Jury available
- US Court of Federal Claims - No Jury
- US Tax Court - No Jury (19 Judges)
US District Court - Features and Characteristics
- Tax/Nontax legal matters, 1 Judge per court
2. Jury available. Taxpayer must first pay any deficiency
US Court of Federal Claims
- 16 Judges, Monetary Cases against US
- No Jury
- Taxpayer must pay deficiency first and then sue for refund
- Court base decisions on appeals decisions rendered by federal district Court of Appeals, not the Circuit Court of Appeals
US Tax Court
- 19 Judges, Tax Cases
- Taxpayer does not have to pay deficiency prior to trial
- Small Case Division - $50k of less. No Appeal allowed
US Appellate Courts
- 11 Geographical Circuit Courts of appeals
2. District Courts, Tax Court, and Court of Federal Claims must follow this court’s precendents
Research Institute of American (RIA) publishes…
Federal Tax Coordinator - multi volume, tax planning strategies
Commerce Clearing House
Publishes Standard Federal Tax Reporter…IRC regulations
Business Purpose Doctrine
Transaction to be effective for income tax purposes, it is intended to achieve genuine business purpose
Substance over form doctrine
IRS looks through the legal formalities of a transaction to determine it’s economic substance
Assignment of Income Doctrine
known as ‘the fruit and the tree” - taxpayer who earns the income and is the source of the income cannot assign the income to someone else for income tax purposes. Taxpayer will be taxed on the income
Tax Benefit Rule of Doctrine
this rule converts nontaxable receipts into taxable income. Taxpayer is reimbursed medical expenses paid and deducted in previous year. Because the taxpayer received a tax benefit via the previous year’s medical deduction, the application of the rule results in the taxability of the medical reimbursements
Constructive Receipt Doctrine
No substantial limitation or restriction on taxpayer’s right to bring the funds under the personal control, the income is taxed to the taxpayer. Example: payroll check issued on Dec 31 but picked up in Jan. Still must be declared in the year it was written.
Income from Partnerships
- Income taxed to partners at their own individual rate
- Partnership file an informational return (Form 1065)
- Each partner receives a K-1 indicating his share of income
- Income from General Partnership K-1 is typically self employment income
S Corporations Income
- Shareholders, rather then the corporation, pay tax on S Corporations Income
- Shareholder’s receive K-1
- EE of S Corp will received W-2
Income in Respect of a Decedent (IRD)
- Income generated by assets of estate that is distributed from the estate to beneficiaries
- Any income not distributed is generally taxed to the estate/trust according to estate and trust tax schedule
Income in Community Property States
1 One-half of earnings for each spouse considered owned by the
other spouse.
2. Spouses living apart in Community Property States - spouse (former spouse) will be taxed only on the their own actual earnings if they live apart for entire year, do not file a joint return, and do not transfer any of the income between themselves during the year
Interest on Below Market Loans
- Lender issues a below market loan, lender may be required to input (recognize) interest income or the borrower may receive an interest expense deduction when in fact, no interest has been received or paid.
a. Imputed interest calculated using the Federal Government’s borrowing rate, compounded semi annually and adjusted monthly.
b. If interest is charged is less than Fed. Fund rate, the imputed interest is the difference using the Fed rate and the interest determine using the actual rate
Imputed Interest Rules apply to the following types of below market rate loans
- Gift Loans - Lender interest income, borrower interest expense. Gift was made to borrower in amount of imputed interest.
- Compensation Loans - Corporation has interest income & compensation expense for imputed interest. Borrower has compensation income & interest expense, possibly deductible.
- Corporation- Shareholder loan to non-EE shareholder. Corporation interest income & dividend distribution for imputed interest. Shareholder will have dividend income & interest expenses
- Tax Avoidance Loans - loans that significantly affect borrower or lender’s federal tax liability
Exceptions & Limitations to Imputed Interest Rules
- No interest is imputed on total outstanding gift loans in aggregate of $10,000 or less between individuals, unless proceeds are used to purchase income producing property.
- Loans between individuals greater than $10k and less than or equal to $100,000, the imputed interest cannot exceed the borrower’s net investment income from all sources for the year.
a. If borrower’s net investment income for year $1000 or less no interest is imputed on loans of $100,000 or less
Annuity Income Contracts Issued after August 13, 1982
- Withdrawals (including loans) on contracts issued after August 13, 1982 are included in gross income up to total earnings (LIFO)
- Amounts received in excess of post Aug 13,82 increases in CV are a recovery of capital until taxpayer’s cost has been entirely recovered.
- > 59.5 10% penalty
Annuity Income on August 13, 1982 or Earlier…
- Income FIFO
Social Security Benefits Taxed
- 85% of SS may be included in gross income
2. Amount subject to tax based on taxpayer’s provisional income
Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) Tax
- Included: SS (OASDI) and Medicare (HI)
- OASDI: EE 6.2% and ER 6.2%. Self Employed: 12.4% Wage Base Cap: $113,700
- Medicare no ceiling for earnings: HI tax is 1.45% for both EE & ER; Self Employed pay 2.9% on net income
- Total Self Employment Tax: 15.3%
- Beginning 2013 Additional Medicare Tax: .9% for Self Employed who have combined income <$250k (MFJ)
- Beginning 2013 additional Medicare surtax of 3.8% imposed on unearned investment income of certain higher income taxpayers.
Death Benefit Only (DBO)
- $$ paid by ER, upon EE’s death to EE’s beneficiary are FULLY includable in beneficiary income.
- This $$ not life insurance; they are cash fringe benefit paid by the ER upon EE’s death and are FULLY taxable
Scholarships and Tax
- Must be student for a degree
- Exclude from gross income amounts for tuition & related expenses, but NOT Room and Board
- EE’s of nonprofit allowed to exclude a tuition waiver from Gross Income if the waiver is pursuant to qualified tuition reduction program
- Payments directly to education school are qualified payments, not includable in student’s income, and not subject to gift tax
Life Insurance Revenue Ruling 2009 - 13 - tax treatment when cash surrenders and sales of life insurance contracts when the sale is to unrelated person who will suffer not economic loss upon death of insured
- Sale is not a viatical settlement
- Seller not terminally/chronically ill
- Term/Cash Value/Whole Life - aggregate premiums paid must be determined.
- Part of gain on the sale can receive capital gain treatment when it exceeds the cash surrender value of policy
- Adjust basis reduced by the cost of insurance
- Buyer has basis in policy deducted from death benefit (transfer in value)
Modified Endowment Contract (MEC)
- Life Insurance Policy Issued after Jun 21, 1988, fails the 7 pay test
- 7 Pay Test- contract is a MEC if premiums during 1st 7 years exceed total of net level preimums
- Material Change - existing life insurance policy undergoes material change must pass 7 year pay test each time there is a material change to policy: failure causes policy to be considered a MEC
MEC Characteristics
- Early w/d’s or loans from MEC basis is recovered last (LIFO)
- W/d’s and loans to extent of earnings are taxed
- MEC’s subject to 10% penalty on taxable part of any w/d’s if made prior to policy owner being 59.5
- MEC classification does not affect tax of death benefit
Compensation for Injuries and Illness
- Compensatory damages may be included in income.
a. Physical injury/sickness, damages excludable from gross income (special damages)
b. Persona, nonphysical damage (emotional distress, business reputation, breach of contract, age discrimination, sexual harassment), must be included in gross income - Punitive damages received for personal injury generally included in gross income
- Interest on damage awards for personal injury, both compensatory and punitive included in gross income
- Workers’ compensation amounts received are excluded from gross income
Qualified EE discounts can be excluded from income if…
- In the case of property, it is not real property or investment personal property
- Property/services same line as that of the business
- Property: limited to gross profit component of the price to customers
- Services: exclusion limited to 20% of customer price
- Nondiscrimination: Can not be in favor of HCE
Working Condition Fringe
ER provides property/services to EE that EE could have deducted had he paid for them himself, the value of the property/services is non-taxable fringe benefit.
Discrimination does not affect exclusion status
De Minimis Fringes
- Value of de minimis fringes are excludable
2. Personal use of company car, copy machine, occasional tickets
Qualified Transportations Fringes Not Taxable
- Transportation in commuter highway vehicle between EE’s home and work
- Transit pass within limits $245/month
- Parking: $245/month
Employer Adoption Assistance
- Excludable from Gross Income
- $12,970
- Written plan
- Phaseout: $194,580-$234,580
Educational Savings Bonds excludable interest on EE & I Bonds from Gross Income if…bond proceeds used for qualified higher education…rules…
- Issued after Dec 31, 1989
- <24yrs old
- No exclusion for MJS
- Phaseout: JT: $112,050 & $74,700 all others