Tax Accounts & Calculations Flashcards
ABIL (6)
Allowable Business Investment Loss
- capital loss on SBC debt/equity
- “allowable” is 50% of total loss
- can reduce ALL TYPES of income in year occurred
- excess can be carried back 3 yrs and forward 10 yrs as ABIL
- after 10 yrs, can carry forward indefinitely as net capital loss
- ABIL is reduced by previous LCGE claims (loss is split: the CGE equivalent portion can be used as a capital loss only and remainder of the loss is BIL)
SBC (3)
Small Business Corporation
- private corporation
- controlled by Canadian residents
- assets are used principally (50%+) in an ACTIVE business carried on primarily (90%+) in Canada
SBD (5)
Small Business Deduction
- for SBC that is a CCPC for the entire year
- reduces tax payable on first $500,000 of active business income (Fed 9%)
- not applicable to SIB (Specified Investment Business; unless >5 FT e’ees)
- not applicable to PSB (Personal Service Business; incorporated & renders a service they would normally provide as an e’ee)
- income threshhold reduced $5 for every $1 of passive income (AAII Adjusted Aggregate Investment Income) over $50,000 - eliminated by $150,000 of total passive income
Qualified Small Business Corporation Shares
- LCGE applies to gains on sale
- SBC, and
- shares owned for 24+ months prior to disposition, and
- for the 24 months prior to, >50% of the FMV of the corporation’s assets was used to carry on active business, primarily in Canada
CCPC (3)
Canadian-Controlled Private Corporation
- private corporation
- no class of shares listed on prescribed stock exchange
- not controlled directly or indirectly, by 1 or more non-residents, by 1 or more public corporations, or any combination
CGR (5)
Capital Gains Reserve
- if payment is spread out over years (up to 5), realizing gain can be spread out too
- at least 1/5 of taxable capital gain must be reported each year (current + 4)
- optional, can “reserve” any amount up to max reserve
- max reserve is LESSER of ((proceeds not yet due/total proceeds) * gain) OR ((1/5th of gain))* # yrs left, up to 4)
- for SBC or some farm/fish property, can be up to 10 years
LCGE (3)
Lifetime Capital Gains Exemption
- available on gains on QFFP up to $1mil and QSBCS up to $892,218 (2021)
- taxable gain 50% inclusion = 50% of limit ($446,109)
- Eligible Capital Gain? deduction is LESSER of 1. unused lifetime limit OR 2. annual gains limit (NTCP adjustment) OR 3. cumulative gains limit (w/ CNIL adjustment
CNIL (2)
Cumulative Net Investment Loss
- any portion that cumulative investment expenses exceed cumulative investment income = CNIL balance
- can’t claim LCGE & CNIL simultaneously -ie CNIL reduces taxable capital gain that can be sheltered by LGCE
QFFP (5)
Qualified Farm & Fishing Property
- has LCGE of $1mil and special inter-generational transfer rules re ACBs/FMVs
- share of family fishing/farm corp
- interest in family fishing/farm partnership
- real property ie lands & vessels and eligible capital property ie fishing licenses or milk quotas
- real property used for farming by individual, family farm corp or partnership
CCA (3)
Capital Cost Allowance
- deduction from net income for wear & tear (depreciation) of assets
- grouped in classes based on characteristics (ex Buildings 4% / Equipment 20% / Automotive 30%)
- annual amount = UCC * rate (see UCC slide)
- calculation
- disposition of assets
Undepreciated Capital Cost = UCC Balance = UCC balance beginning of year ADD net additions (acquisitions + recapture - dispositions lesser of capital cost and proceeds) LESS adjustments (tax credits etc) EQUALS UCC before CCA LESS this year's CCA (rate * (UCC less 1/2 net additions)) EQUALS UCC end of year
= Disposition of Assets =
- may have a CAPITAL GAIN if sale > ACB, and then
- deduct lesser of capital cost or proceeds of asset from UCC
1. Positive UCC with assets remaining - CCA continues on with remaining UCC balance
2. Positive UCC with no assets remaining - deduct remaining UCC as a terminal loss
3. Negative UCC (assets or no remaining) - recapture of depreciation (ie fully taxable income amount) to bring UCC to $0
CDA (4)
Capital Dividend Account
- notional corporate account (all private corps)
- amount is available for tax-free distribution to shareholders or corps
- includes
– tax-free portion of capital gains
– capital dividends from another corp
– non-taxable portion of eligible capital property disposition
– proceeds of life insurance less ACB (where corp is bene)
- reduced by capital dividends paid
(NOT connected to RDTOH considerations)