Tax Flashcards
What are the 4 types of tax?
1) Income tax
2) VAT
3) NIC
4) Capital Gains Tax
What are the dates of the tax year for individuals?
6th April 201X to 5th April 201Y
What are the dates of the tax year for companies?
1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017
What are the 4 responsibilities of HMRC (apart from collecting Tax)?
1) Pay and administer universal credit/tax credit/child benefit
2) Collect repayment of student loans
3) Ensure employers meet minimum wage rules
4) Customs
What legislation is responsible for taxation?
Finance Act
What are statutory instruments?
Laws that do not need to be debated in parliament
What is case law?
Law that has been set by precedent
What are the 5 types of chargeable income?
1) Employment income
2) Trading income
3) Property income
4) Savings income
5) Miscellaneous Income
What 6 types of income are exempt income?
1) Interest on National Savings Certificates
2) Income from ISAs
3) Lottery etc
4) Housing and Child benefit
5) Scholarship
6) Income tax repayment interest
How much is the basic personal allowance
What is the Basic Rate Band amount?
£5000 - £32,000
What is the Basic Rate Band tax for non saving income %
What is the Higher Rate Band amount?
£32,000 - £150,000
What is the Higher Rate Band tax for non saving income%
What is the additional rate band?
Above 150k
What is the additional rate band tax % for non saving income?
What is the Basic Rate Band tax % for dividend income?
What is the Higher Rate Band tax % for dividend income?
What is the Additional Rate Band tax % for dividend income?
If you want to carry back a gift aid payment to last year (15/16), when is the deadline?
31st January 2017.
In order for a living accommodation to be treated as job related, it needs to meet one of at least what 3 conditions?
1) Necessary
2) Customary
3) Security
For Car expenses, what is the tax benefit formula?
Benefit = List Price x C02 %
What day of the month is Income tax and NICs paid to HMRC?
19th of each month
Over what number of employees must you pay PAYE electronically?
With regards to PAYE Codes, what goes under the allowance heading?
1) Personal Allowance
2) Allowable expenses
2) Adjustment for overpaid tax
With regards to PAYE Codes, what goes under the deduction heading?
1) Taxable benefit
2) Adjustment for underpaid tax
Is Capital expenditure allowable?
Are repairs and maintenance allowable?
Are improvements and enhancements allowable?
Is depreciation allowable?
With regards to a disposal of a fixed asset, if there is a loss, what should you do?
If there is a loss, add this back onto the profit.
With regards to a disposal of a fixed asset, if there is a profit, what should you do?
Deduct from profit
Are appropriations of profit allowable?
Is the salary to a sole trader or partner allowable?
No-remember that a sole trader is the owner, and thus does not have a salary. He would take drawings out.
If a sole traders income tax/NIC is paid by the business, is this allowable?
Are private expenses put through the P&L allowable?
In a sole trader, are payments to family members allowable?
If they are reasonable, then yes.
If there is an increase in a general provision , is this allowable?
No, it needs to be allowable.
If there is a decrease in a general provision , is this allowable?
No, it needs to be deducted.
Are trade debts allowable?
Are non trade debts allowable?
Are loans to former employees that are written off allowable?
Is staff entertaining allowable?
Is customer entertaining allowable?
What gifts are allowable?
If they are to employees or trade samples
If you give a gift to a client, under what circumstances is it allowable?
It has to have the business name on it and be under £50. It also can’t be food, drink, tobacco or vouchers.
Are donations to small local charities allowable?
Are donations to national charities allowable?
What type of donations are allowed?
Trading stock/used P&M to charities/educational establishments
Are political donations allowable?
Are subscriptions to trade and professional associations allowable?
Only if they relate to the business
Are fines and penalties allowable?
What is the exception to fines and penalties being disallowable?
Parking fine of employee on business
Is interest on business loans allowable?