Tatsuno B787 Type Rating Oral Questions Flashcards
To pass the B787 oral examination
Differences 787/767?
- Increased Power Sources
- VFSG (Weight Saving)
- Dynamically managed and redundunt
- Some tradional AIR/HYD systems now Electric
Anti-Ice Improvements
- Auto Ice detection
- Smaller lines (5000psi)
- Fewer Items
Air system
- 4 Electric Cabin Air Compressors (CAC)
- 2 Air Conditioning Packs
- PECS (Liquid Cooling)
- ALT Vent System (Packs INOP)
- Humidification System
- Pressurization: 6000ft
ENG Bleed Air
- Engin core/Cowl Anti Ice
Flight Controls (FBW)
- Fly-By-Wire
- 3 PMG’s (Independant) & Backup Power
- 4 ACE’s
- 3 PFC
- 3 Modes: Normal, Secondary, Direct
- Flap/Slat Modes: Primary, Secondary, Alternate
- Envelope protections
- Auto functions
Engine (RR)
- 3-rotor Axial flow turbofan of high compression & bypass ratio (Prevents comp stall, shortens total length of engine)
- N1, N2, N3
- Accessory gearbox on N2, no load on N3, N3. can retain higher rotation in idle
- Lower Min Idle: Improved efficiency, fuel consuption & brake wear
- EEC: 2 Independant PMA’s
- TPR (Turbofan Power Ratio) N1/N3
- MAx time at Takeoff thrust: 2ENG 5mins, 1ENG 10mins
- Engine Intermix: Exactly matches ENG PWR Output
- SAS: N2 cooling
- Automatic Starting (Both ENG) by Elecrical power
- Automatic Functions
Flight Instruments
- Large MFD Displays
- Synoptic Displays
Flight Management & Communication
- 3 FMC’s
- Alternate NAV
- Datalink improved
- Balancing System
- Jettison: To Remain Function
Landing Gear:
- Electric Brakes
- Taxi Brake Release
- Tire Pressure
- Early Doors Funtion (Time/Perf)
- Semi-levered Gear
- Gaseous O2
- 12mins/60mins
- Masks Autodrop
ELEC system differences 787/767?
Additonal components powered by ELEC for 787?
787 electrical system generates, distributes and manages electrical power.
System operation is automatic & electrical loads are dynamically managed. Auto cycles loads for efficient use of airplane power.
Primarily uses 115Vac &28Vdc power, with a limited number of systems optimized with 235Vac
Additional 787 specific:
* Engine Start
* Pressurization
* Wing Ice Protection
* Stabilizer Trim
* Wheel brake systems
- ECB’s (CBIC)
Power Sources:
* 4 VFSG ENG (235Vac / 250KVA = 1000KVA)
* 2 VFSG APU (235VAC / 225KVA = 450KVA)
- Allows for weight saving
* 3 EXT AC PWR receptacles
* APU BATT (32V)
* 3 PMG’s (Flight Controls)
* 2 PMA’s (EEC)
* Both auto engaged for ENG start
* Each S/Gpwers its respecive bus (L1/2/R1/2)
* Gen Drive DISC
* Large motor loads are required to be energized by motor controllers (Due to Variable Frequency Power), which conditon power for use.
* AFT E/E bay
* HYD Pumps, CAC’s, RAm Fans, ENG/APU Start, C FP, NGS,
PECS (Power Electronics Cooling System)
Liquid Cooling System
* Dissapates heat created by motor controllers
* Failure of 1PECS causes PACK INOP -Descent may be required
BPCU (Bus Power Control Untit) x2
* Management & Protection
* In the event of failure a second BPCU assumes functions
* Towing Power Mode
* On-Ground Battery Only Mode
* Ground Handling Mode
* Ground Service Mode
* External Power on Mode
* In-Air RAT Only Mode (STBY PWR)
* In-Air Batt Only Mode (STBT PWR)
Load Inhibit & Load Shedding
What component is ENG Bleed air used for?
Bleed air is only used for engine core and inlet cowl anti-ice operations.
SAS provides cooling & sealing airflow to the intermediate pressure turbine, which is controlled by the EEC
Is there any other way to start the engines other than Autostart?
No, the engines can only be started using the Autostart system.
During ENG start ground crew ask you to shut down the engine. What would you do?
- Aborted Eng Start Memory item: Fuel Control Switch … CUT OFF followed by NNC
- Communicate with ground crew
- Fire indication from ground crew? Check whether tailpipe fire or other engine fire.
- Tailpipe Fire / Fire Eng on Ground checklist
Explain Fly-by-Wire?
Fly-by-wire (FBW) is a flight control system in which the mechanical linkages from traditional manual flight controls, such as control columns, control wheels, and rudder pedals, are replaced by an electronic interface. Instead of mechanical linkages connecting the pilot’s inputs directly to the control surfaces, the pilot’s commands are converted into electronic signals, which are then processed by a computerized flight control system. This system, in turn, sends electronic signals to actuators that control the aircraft’s control surfaces, such as ailerons, elevators, and rudders.
Key features of fly-by-wire systems include:
- Electronic Signals: Pilot inputs are translated into electrical signals by sensors, and these signals are then sent to a computer.
- Computer Processing: The flight control computer processes the pilot’s input along with other data, such as aircraft speed, altitude, and configuration.
- Actuator Response: The computer then sends signals to actuators, which move the control surfaces to execute the desired maneuver or maintain stability.
FCTM1.44~1.46, AOM9.20.1
What are the advantages of the Fly by Wire system?
* Reduce Pilot Workload
* Provide enhanced handling qualities |& control
* High Redundancy
* Reduced weight (No cables/linkages)
* Flexibility in design with built In protections
* Easier for maintenance & faultfinding
* Turbulence suppression
* Decreases drag/Optimized wing camber(Cruiseflaps)~improving efficiency/saving cost
* Optimizes Trim settings
What are the disadvantages of the Fly by Wire system?
* Heavy Reliance on Electrical power
* Catastrophic electrical fault could render it unusable
* No Autopilot if not in normal mode
* Highly complex, receives input from multiple sources
What is the first thing to check once the PM gets on board?
(Preliminary preflight procedure)
Log & Documents
AOM NP.31.1
Emergency equipment in the flight deck?
- Smoke hood
- Signal kit
- Fire extinguisher
- Fire resistant glove
- Flash light
- Crash axe
- Life Vests
- Megaphone (-10)
- Overhead emergency exit & Decent Devices
AOM NP.31.1
What is the Preliminary Preflight Procedure for PM?
- Log & Documents …. Checked
- Flight Deck Access system operational Check… Perform
- Emergency Equipment … Check & stowed
- Flight Deck Overhead Door … Closed & Latched
- Emergency Descent devices …. Stowed
- Headsets … Min 4
- Gear Pins …. 5 Pins stowed
- Emergency Evac signal & CAB INTPHN … Check
- IRS Selectors …. OFF 30 sec’s, ON (ON BAT blank)
- CREW OXY LOW msg blank
- STATUS Display … Check
- OXY press: > 860/1250
- HYD QTY: sufficient no RF
- ENG oil QTY > 16QRT
- EICAS: Expected Msgs (2-6-3)
AOM NP.31.1
What items are checked in an originating flight only?
First flight of day Domestic. 3hour > groundstay for international.
- FLT Deck Door Access SYS
- Crew OXY Mask Mic test
What is the 180° turn radius of the B787?
- -8: 47.3m
- -9: 52.6m
- -10: 58.1
What is the Minimum 180° turn radius of the B787?
- -8: 42.4m
- -9: 47.2m
- -10: 52.7m
What is the Pivot 180° turn radius of the B787?
- -8: 34.6m
- -9: 37.7m
- -10: 40.7m
(No alternative means, Emergency only, post check of RWY & tires)
Explain Minimum turning procedure?
- Apply brakes, stop the aircraft, set thrust idle
- Turn tiller max, in direction of turn
- Releasebrakes, speed 5~10kts, applying thrust on opposite engine
- Passing max width, align aircraft with runway using tiller
AOR PT.1.9
Power source of brake system?
- 28Vdc is the primary power source
- Main battery provides backup power
4 electrical brake power supply units regulate power for the exclusve use of the airplane brake system. Each of the 4 power supplies receive two seperate 28Vdc inputs. One from the 28Vdc system, and one from the main battery.
Parking Brake: Clamped in position by EBA’s. No active power required to maintain clamping force.
AOM6.20.9 / AOM14.20.4
Unique brake feature on the ground?
(And Speed Range?)
With wheel speeds <30kts the brake control system applies one-half of the brakes on each main landing gear.
Sequenced through alternating wheel pairs during each brake application.
- Extends service life
- Reduces brake sensitivity
(Taxi Break Release)
Pro’s & Cons of ECL?
* Better situational awareness
* Reduced Errors
* Efficient - Workload managemnet easier
* Sequenced (GA)
* Prioritises: though aircraft logic
* Closed loop items monitored by aircraft
* Hidden checklists
* Over reliance on automated system
* Both Pilots heads down
ECL not required for dispatch: Paper checklist must be avaiale in flight deck.
When would you use the paper checklist??
- Evacuation
- Engine Fire on ground (Quicker to save time)
- Dual Engine Failure
- When ECL U/S
OPT indication when a grooved RWY is temporarily non-grooved by NOTAM?
“No Credit” should be selectedin Grooved Runway Accountability on NOTAMS Page
* ‘No credit for grooved runway’ displayed
* Notified via Company NOTAM
* Amber Bar displayed under NOTAM soft key
AOR 10.2.25
When using ATM, what can you do to provide extra safety margine?
- Enter a negative value into the ATM box
AOM 10.80.28
Effect of 1° of assumed temp to length/weight?
1° of assumed temp corresponds to a take off weight allowance of 3,000lbs which is equivalent to about ±100ft in terms of stop margin.
AOR PR.10.3
Max X-WIND components for 787-8 for DRY [RWYCC6]?
- T/O: 40kt
- LNG: 37kt
AOM L4.1
Max X-WIND components for 787-9 for DRY [RWYCC6]?
- T/O: 33kt
- LNG: 40kt
AOM L4.1
Max X-WIND components for 787-10 for DRY [RWYCC6]?
- T/O: 37kt
- LNG: 35kt
AOM L4.1
Max X-WIND component for 787 WET (Grooved & Non grooved)
AOM L4.1 / AOMB.2022-08
Max X-WIND component for 787 **
20kt (15kt*)
*RWY < 2500m
AOM L4.1
Max X-WIND component for 787 FLOODED [RWYCC2]:
*RWY < 2500m
AOM L4.1
Max X-WIND component for 787 [RWYCC1]:
AOM L4.1
ALTN FWD CG. How does it work?
(& 787-9 CofG limits)
- Take off performance conventionally based on Most FWD CG (Most Limiting)
- ALTN FWD CG limit, is a method which shifts the CG limit aft of the most FWD limit which improves T/O perf & T/O limit weight
- Moving CG aft, decreases nose down moment, decreasing the downward force required on HS, and therefore decreasing the lift force required from the main wing.
* Drag reduced - Better climb performance
* Lower T/O speeds (Shorter T/O distance)
* Feild limit weight can be increased
- Stall speed Vs1 reduced (Less control load required) Therefore Vr/V2 can be reduced
787-9 (1000K):
[ALTN FWD1]: 15% MAC
[ALTN FWD 2]: 18% MAC
How do you know what type of AFCG is applied?
ACARS Final W&B format
AOR PR.13.6
Explain what an EICAS status message is?
EICAS Status messages, indicate equipment faults which may affet airplane dispatch capability.
All EICAS status messages are listed in the DDG/EMCRL and provide a reference to the MEL for dispatch capability.
(EICAS message cross refference list)
A0M 15.20.2/.3
Procedure when a Status message is displayed after block out and before take off?
Refer to flow chart in EICAS CRL in the MEL: The flight can be continued.
MEL 2-A(4)
Where can you find the cross reference list?
What does the VSD (Vertical situation display) present?
The VSD presents a profile view of the airplane and its enviroment.
It presents terrain, waypoint and other information shown within the VSD corridor (Cyan dashed lines on ND)
- ALT reference Scale
- Airplane symbol
- Horizontal reference scale
- Active VPATH - with ALT constraints or sel VS FPA vector
- Selected ALT
- Baro Mins
- FMC Approach GP / 3° Reference line
- Vertical FP Vector
- Decision gates
- Runway
AOM.10.10.32 / AOM.10.40.4
Is Waypoint, Path and ALT constraints always displayed?
If LNAV/VNAV active (Route mode) with appropriate info slected on FMS
AOM 10.10.34
Explain VSD corridor?
Dashed Cyan lines along route on ND.
- Track mode: 1RNP off track
- Route Mode: 1RNP from plan (LNAV/LOC/FAC)
AOM 10.10.33
What is the tubulent air penetration speed and when will you use it?
< 25,000ft: 290KIAS
> 25,000ft: 310KIAS/0.84
Used for Severe air turbulence
AOM PP.30.8
What does Turbulent Air penetraition speed provide?
Provides ample protection from stall & high speed buffet, while also providing protection from exceeding the structural limit.
AOM SP.16.22
When the FMS is inop, what speed will you use?
Climb: 250/310/.84
Cruise: 310/.84
Descent: .83/290/250
AOM PP.30.7
What is the standard CI?
(Cost Index)
-8/-9: 80 Dom/ 40 INTL
-10: 80 Dom / 20 INTL
AOM PP.20.11-12 / AOR PR.14-1.1
What speed is commanded when CI 0?
(Cost Index)
Max Range Cruise Speed (Priority given to fuel consumption)
AOR PR.14-1.1 / AOM 11.31.28
Explain Windshear Warning GPWS?
GPWS Mode 7: Windshear:
Activated when excessive downdraught, increase in tailwind, decrease in headwind, during takeoff, approach or landing (Below 1500ft).
* Takeoff: Rotation ~ 1500ft
* Approach: 1500ft ~ 10ft
* Missed Approach: until acheiving 1500ft
* Siren
* Master Warning
* Windshear on both PFD’s/HUDS
* HUD guidence cue turns solid
AOM 15.20.43-48
Explain Windshear Warning PWS?
PWS system enable when WX selected or thrust levers advanced for takeoff (12 seconds)
* On ground or inflight
* Scans below 2300ft
* Alerts only provided below 1200ft
* On ground Caution: 0.5~3NM 30° either. side of aircraft
* On ground Warnings: 0.5~3NM ahead of aircraft
* In flight Caution: 0.5~3nm 30° either side of aircraft
* In flight Warning: 0.5~1.5NM ahead of aircraft
* Master Warning
* Windshear on both PFD’s/HUD’s/ND’s
* Red, black, yellow symbol on ND
* HUD guidence cue turns solid
AOM 15.20.43-48
How is the presence of windshear indicated?
AOM SP.16.17 /AOR AW4
- Thunderstorm activity (Downdraughts, Gust Front, Heavy Precipitation downpours, BL dust)
- Virga
- LLWAS (Low level windshear alerting system) ALWIN (Airport low level windshear information)
- Front Line: > 5° before and after front. Front movement> 30kts
- Topography/wind direction (Mountain waves)
- Low level jet stream
- Temperature/Dewpoint Split of 15°~30° with convective weather present.
- Visual indications: Surface wind vs higher smoke direction or Aircraft wind indications
- Predictive Windshear System alert “WINDSHEAR AHEAD”
What are the indications that the aircraft is encountering windshear?
Deviations in excess of:
* 15kts IAS
* 500ft VS
* 5° Pitch ATT / 1 dot displacement from the glideslope
* Unusual thrust lever position for a significant period of time
* Increasing airspeed (positive) may be the precursor to negative windshear
* Any unacceptable flight path deviations
QRHMAN.1.14 / AW4 / FCTM
(Manual Flight)
1. Disengage autopilot
2. Push either TO/GA switch
3. Aggressively apply max thrust (Verified by PM)
4. Disconnect A/T
5. Roll Wings Level. Rotate to 15° Pitch ATT
7. F/D to TOGA (If available) (PM to verify all actions)
- Do not change GEAR/FLAP config until W/S no longer a factor
- Monitor V/S & ALT
- Do not attempt to regain lost airspeed until W/S is no longer a factor
- Do not exceed PLI
QRH Man1.14 (AW4 / Info.168)
(Automatic Flight)
1. Push TOGA switch
2. Verify [TOGA]
3. Verify GA Thrust (PM verify)
5. Monitor System Performance (PM verify all actions)
- Do not change GEAR/FLAP config until W/S no longer a factor
- Monitor V/S & ALT
- Do not attempt to regain lost airspeed until W/S is no longer a factor
- Do not exceed PLI
- Be prepared to disconnect and fly manually if required
QRH Man1.14 (AW4 Info.168)
PWS message inhibits?
(Caution & Warning)
Caution: 80kts ~ 400ft
Warning: 100kts ~ 50ft
All: > 1200ft
Caution: 400ft ~ Landing
Warning: 50ft ~ Landing
AOM 15.20.55~60
Actions to be taken if windshear is encounters near Vr?
If insuffient runway to stop:
* Initiate normal rotation at least 2000ft before end of runway, even if airspeed is low.
* Higher than normal pitch may be required
* Ensure Max thrust set (Manual - TOGA no affect on ground)
* Windshear escape maneuver
QRH Man.1.13
What are the dimensions of the B787-8?
- Length: 56.7m | Span: 60.1m | Height: 16.9m
- Nose~Main: 22.8m | Main Span: 11.6/9.8 | ENG~ENG 19.8
AOM 1.10.1
What are the dimensions of the B787-9?
- Length: 62.8m | Span: 60.1m | Height: 17m
- Nose~Main: 25.8m | Main Span: 11.9/9.8 | ENG~ENG: 19.8
AOM 1.10.2
What are the dimensions of the B787-10?
- Length: 68.3m | Span: 60.1m | Height: 17m
- Nose~Main: 28.9 | Main Span: 11.9/9.8 | ENG~ENG: 19.8
AOM 1.10.3
How many FMC’s are installed?
- 3 independant FMC’s
- 1 FMC is designated to accomplish flight management tasks at power up, other 2 FMC’s monitor
- 2nd FMC is ready to replace 1st, if system faults occur when 2nd active, 3rd becomes backup
What does FLIGHT MODE CONTROL EICAS message indicate?
The flight control system is in the secondary mode
Functions NOT available in the flight control secondary mode?
- Autopilot
- Auto Speedbrakes
- Autodrag
- Envelope Protection
- Gust Suppresion
- Pitch Compensation
- Roll/Yaw Asymmetry Compensation
- Tail Strike Protection
Describe the 3 Flight Control Modes?
Primary Flight Control Modes: Normal, Secondary, Direct
(Autopilot only available in normal mode)
**Normal Mode (Manual Flight): **
* 4 ACE’s receive pilot control inputs in analog form and convert these to digital signals and send these signals to 3 PFC’s.
* PFC’s verify the signals & info from other airplane systems to compute enhanced control commands. (Air data, inertial data, flap/slat position, engine thrust & radio altitude).
* These commands are sent back to the ACE’s and then converted back to analog form and sent to the PCU’s to drive the flight control surface actuators.
**Normal Mode (Auto Flight): **
* Autopilot system sends control surface commands to the PFC’s
* PFC’s Generate control surface commands which are sent to ACE’s, then to the control surface actuators.
* Autopilot backdrives the pilot controls to provide awareness of what the autopilot is doing.
* Pilot can override autopilot with flight control inputs. Autopilot disconnects and the flight control system uses the pilot control inputs.
* Autopilot is only available in the normal mode
* Flight Envelope protection is provided in the normal mode
* Cruise Flaps available in Normal Mode
* PFC’s auto revert to secondary mode when:
o inertial or air data is insufficient to support normal mode
o Slat & Flap position Data is unavailable
o Cannot be manually selected
* ACE’s Continue to receive & process pilot control inputs and send these signals to the PFC’s
* The PFC’s use simplified computations to generate flight control surface commands.
* These simplified commands are sent to the ACE’s and the to the control surface actuators.
* All flight control surfaces remain operable
* Elevator & rudder are more sensitive at some airspeeds
* Yaw damping degraded
* Secondary mode cannot be manually selected.
In Secondary Mode the following functions are not available:
* Autopilot
* Auto Speedbrakes
* Envelope protection
* Gust suppression
* Pitch compensation
* Roll/Yaw asymmetry compensation
* Tail strike protection
* ACE’s Auto transition to Direct mode when:
o Detect a failure of all 3 PFC’s or loose comms with PFC’s
o Manually selected by moving the PRIM FLT COMP disconnect switch to DISC
* ACE’s receive pilot inputs and sent directly to control surface actuators.
* Provides full airplane control for continues safe flight & landing
* Handling qualities similar to secondary mode
* All flight control surfaces remain operable
* Yaw damping degraded
In Direct Mode the following functions are not available:
* Autopilot
* Auto Speedbrakes
* Envelope protection
* Gust suppression
* Pitch compensation
* Roll/Yaw asymmetry compensation
* Tail strike protection
Each Mode is indicated on the FLCTL Synoptic
Autodrag: G/P capture
LAM: To increase pitch ATT when landing flaps selected at higher speeds.
Can you manually select the FLT Control System Secondary mode?
No, the secondary mode cannot be manually selected.
PFC’s auto revert to secondary mode when:
* inertial or air data is insufficient to support normal mode
* Slat & Flap position Data is unavailable
AOM 9.20.9
Can you manually select the FLT Control System Direct mode?
Yes, Direct mode can be manually selected by moving the PRIM FLT COMP disconnect switch to DISC
ACE’s Auto transition to Direct mode when:
* Detect a failure of all 3 PFC’s or loose comms with PFC’s
* ACE’s receive pilot inputs and sent directly to control surface actuators.
AOM 9.20.10
You lost speed indication during cruise, what will your actions be?
Airspeed Unreliable Memory Items:
* A/P disconnect switch …. OFF
* A/T ARM switches …. OFF
* F/D switches (both) …. OFF
* Set pitch ATT & Thrust (gear up)
- Flaps Extended …. 10° & 85% N1
- Flaps UP … 4° & 70% N1
Continue with the Airpeed Unreliable NNC
* Advise ATC
SPD indication correct: Pitch power vs other indications, GPS speed, Source selector, ATC,
ALT indication correcrt: Other sources, sourse selector, ATC
QRH 10.1
What are your impressions of the HUD including advantages and disadvantages?
* Check info on the instruments through the outside view.
* Improved situational awarenes and aircraft awareness
* May be useful to modify sensitivity.
* May miss cross check of engine instruments or EICAS messages
* May focus on HUD symbols to miss outside info
* ONE COLOUR - May miss changes
* May over control in large maneuver
* Primary objective is to see the runway (HUD as reference)
TM 11-2-3
HUD unique Indications?
- TOGA Reference Line
- Ground Deviation Intications (HUD Takeoff)
- Flight path vector & Guidence Cue
- Acceleration Symbol (Flight Path)
- Speed Error Tape
- Slip/Skid Indicator (Flight Path)
- Wind Speed & Direction
- Digital Heading
- Pitch Scale Compression
- Pitch Scale Chevrons
- Unusual Attitude symbology
- Zenith/Nadir Symbol
- Glideslope REF line & value
- Runway Symbol
- Touchdown Aiming point
- Ground Deceleration Scale & Flight path Accel Symbol
AOM 10.12.20
What does the FLT Path Vector (FPV) Indicate?
- Derived from inertial sources
- Indicates where the airplane is going
- FPA indicated by the position of the flight path Circle relative to the pitch scale
- Only displayed in flight
AOM 10.22.5
Difference between FD bars & HUD Guidence Cue?
FD bars gives roll and pitch guidence based on FMA
HUD Guidence CUE takes this information and presents it on the HUD, giving guidence for your FPV
When you have the ‘donut’ the Aircraft is correcly following the FMA.
Can IAN be used for all types of approaches?
Allapproaches other than ILS, but not recommended for circling APPR
AOM NP.21.3 / AOM NP.31.41 / AOM4.20.20
Why is IAN not recommended for circling APPR?
IAN is not recommended for circling APPR because when G/P of IAN engages and starts decending, it will continue the descent to the runway regardless of ALT set in MCP.
A circling APPR requires a level off segment, so therefore IAN is not reccomended.
Any APPR that has a levevel segment to fly after the FAF
AOR 4.1.2
How do you deselect IAN (FAC, G/P) above 1500ft?
Selecting APP on MCP
How do you deselect IAN (FAC, G/P) below 1500ft?
Disconnect A/P
FD on
Select correct FMA modeds
Why: at 1500ft A/P logic isolates to become independant. And Electral system Isolates busses
AOM4.10.18-19 / AOR4.1.2
What do you need to be aware of when disengaging A/P at DA?
Firstly, there will be an initial crosswind runway alignment in place from 500FT and a second alignment at 200FT with sideslip incorporated. Sideslip will need to be taken into consideration if AP disconnected.
Secondly, at 350FT RA there is a spoiler bias up, slight forward control column force will be required to maintain trim if AP is disconnected.
Explain RWY Alignment Mode?
Runway Alignment is a submode of APPR mode.
Reduces crab angle at touchdown due to crosswinds.
Compensates for a single engine APPR
Crosswinds > 10°
* 500ft, 5° established
* Maintained until touchdown
* Airplane lands with min 5° crab angle
Croswinds 5°~10°
* 500ft, 5° established
* Maintained until 200ft
* Second sideslip further reducing crab angle
Croswinds <5°
* No sideslip introduced until 200ft
* From 200ft sideslip introduced to align airplane with runway
* Prior to APPR: 500ft Wings Level
* During APPR: When ENG FAIL detected
* Strong Crosswinds: No wings level when sideslip into wind
What is Spoiler Bias?
Below 350ft INBOARD spoilers biased up incrementally.
50ft FLARE begins
- If A/P is disconnected below 350ft, forward control force required to maintain trim
What is LAM?
(Landing Attitude Modifier)
When Landing Flaps are selected at higher speeds, LAM increases pitch, by raising flight control surfaces, requiring the aircraft to fly at a higher pitch ATT
- Auto system
What Protections does the B787 have?
- ENgin
Hydraulic System
- 3 Independant 5000psi Hydraulic Systems
- Left, Centre, Right
- Flight Controls, Landing Gear, Slats/Flaps, Nose Gear Stearing, Thrust REV
- Flight Control Syst can be powered by any 1 HYD system
- Left/Right: Engine Driven Primary Pump, Electric Demand Pump
- Centre: 2 ELEC Pumps
- RAT (5000psi) powers Primary flight controls on C System
Air System
- 4 Electric Cabin Air Compressors (2 per Pack)
- Supply Pressurised & Flow Regulated Air to their dedicated Pack (Left/Right)
- Pack (Each) controlled by 2 Pack Control Systems
- Stanby Cooling mode
- Recirc Fans (Flight Deck recieves 100% conditioned air, cabin. mixed)
- Alternate Ventilation System (Packs INOP - uses outflow valves)
- Humidification System: 20mins into cruise > 25,000ft, OFF - 1~1.5hurs priot ot touch down
- PECS: Liquid cooling system for LMPDS in AFT E/E, 2 independant cooling loops with 2 pumps each, 27°,
- ICS: Centralised refridgeration system
- Pressurization: CAB ALT 6000ft, 2 outflow valves FWD/AFT,
Flap & Slat Control Modes & Auto functions?
Secondary Flight Control Modes:
Primary, Secondary, Alternate
* Hydraulic
* Flaps/Slats controlled together
* Autogap & flap load relief operate in primary mode.
* Position displayed on EICAS on single vertical indicator
* Hydraulic/Electric
* Automatically engaged:
o C HYD Failed
o Flap/Slap Primary control failure
o Primary mode fails to move to selected position
o Control surfaces travel at less than 50% of normal rate
o Uncommanded flap/slat motion is detected
o Flap/Slat disagree is detected
* Extended Flap/Slat position indication displayed on EICAS
* Flaps/Slats controlled separately. Positioned by HYD/ELEC motors
* Flap lever controls movements, Limited to 20°
* Operating Time increased
* Electric
* Powered by the ALTN FLAPS control (Manually selected)
* Glaps/Slats extend Simultaneously. (Slat mid position - retraction limited until flaps up)
* If all 3 flight control modules in FCE’s fail
* Primary/Secondary modes Fail
* Flap Lever Fail
* Not Available:
o Asymetry & uncommanded motion protection (Monitor when extending)
o Slat Autogap & Pregap
o Flap/Slat Load relief
* Limited to slats middle position & Flaps 20°
* Operating time increased
* Indicator has index marks
Autodrag: G/P capture
LAM: To increase pitch ATT when landing flaps selected at higher speeds.
Flap/Slat Load Relief: Reduce flaps when overspeed
Slat Autogap (Primary Mode): Lower airspeeds - Slats extend fully 225/240kts, funtion of AOA
Slat Pregap(Secondary Mode): Slats Extend Fully, 225/240kts, Funtion of flap and speed not AOA, in secondary mode to slow for Autogap.
Cruise Flaps: Applied during cruise to improve performance. > 25,000ft 0.54~0.87M