Task4 - Classical Conditioning Flashcards
Unconditioned stimulus (US)
Cue that has biological significance
Evokes response without training
Unconditioned response (UR)
Naturally occurring response to unconditioned stimulus
Conditioned stimulus (CS)
Cue that is paired with unconditioned stimulus and evokes a conditioned response
Conditioned response (CR)
Trained response to a conditioned stimulus in expectancy of unconditioned stimulus that is predicted
Pavlov- before training
- natural stimulus bell evokes no response
2. unconditioned stimulus food naturally evokes unconditioned response salivation
Pavlov - during training
Neutral stimulus bell is repeatedly paired with US food to evoke UR salivation
Pavlov - after training
Bell is conditioned stimulus (CS) and evokes conditioned response (CR) salivation without presenting US food
Appetitive conditioning
Conditioning in which the US is positive (e.g. food)
Aversive conditioning
Conditioning in which the US is negative (e.g. shock/ airpuff)
How can conditioned response be understood?
Conditioned response is an expectancy response to prepare for the expected US
Eyeblink conditioning
US is airpuff
CR and UR is eyeblink
Decrease in reaction to a drug so that larger doses are required to achieve the same effect
Why does tolerance occur?
Homeostasis = tendency of body to gravitate toward a state of equilibrium or balance
What can be an US?
Events that are biologically significant because they are inherently positive or inherently negative
What can be a CS?
Any cue in environment