Task C Flashcards
What are the four teaching skills that are essential to be an effective instructor?
(PAMS) People skills Assessment skills Management skills Subject Matter expertise
What are the two types of lesson objectives?
Performance based
Decision based
The traditional organization for a lesson consists of what steps?
Introduction -Attention -Motivation -Overview Development -past present -known to unknown -simple to complex -most frequent to least frequent Conclusion- wraps up lesson with direct reference of objective
List the training delivery methods.
(LGECCDD) Lecture Guided discussion E-learning Computer based Cooperative Demonstrate—assess Drill—practice
What are the fives types of lectures?
(IBFIT) Illustrated talk Briefing Formal Informal Teaching lecture
What are the two advantages of the lecture method of instructing?
- Present a lot of info in a short time
- Present to many people at once
What are two disadvantages of the lecture method of instructing?
- hard to access knowledge of students
- not useful for a lot of info in short amount of time
List the steps in the guided discussion method of teaching.
What are the characteristics of an effective questions when using the guided discussion method?
(HICSRR) Has specific purpose Is clear in meaning Contains single idea Stimulates thought Requires definite answer Relates to previous information
List at least three cons of the e-learning method of teaching.
Hard to control/supervise
Lack of peer interaction
List the steps in the demonstration-performance method of teaching.
(EDSIE) Explain Demonstrate Student perform Instructor supervises Evaluate
Which laws of learning does the drill and practice method of teaching reinforce?
Practice by repetition
What are two problem-based learning method of instructing?
Higher test scores
Social development
What are four of the guidelines for using instrumental aides?
(CGOS) Contribute to idea Gather knowledge Organize outline Select info
What elements should a lesson plan contain?
(OEEISC) Objective Elements Equipment Instructor action Student action Completion standards