‘A ___ methodology is based on the ___that out
of ___ comes ___. A task-based methodology is
based on the belief that out of fluency comes accuracy, and
that learning is __and __by the need to
__’ (D. Willis 1990)
- presentation
- belief
- accuracy
- fluency
- prompted
- refined
- communicate
In 1979, the ____ in ___, under the guidance of N.S. Prabhu, embarked on a ___ project that was to achieve ___status in the history of English language __. Referred to ever since as ‘_____’, the aim was to teach
English to a ___ number of classes in local __and ___schools using a syllabus that was based – not on a list of __ patterns, as was customary in __ at the time – but on a series of ___, where tasks are defined by Willis (1996) as ‘activities where the ___language is used by the learner for a ____(goal) in order to achieve an ___’. Dissatisfied with the prevailing ‘____’ methodology, but ___ about replacing a ____ items with a __ (as some proponents of ____ were advocating – see chapter 15),Prabhu opted instead for a task-based approach, and for ‘the creation of ___in which learners engage in an effort to cope with
communication’ (1987).
- Regional Institute of English
- Bangalore, India
- five-year
- legendary
- teaching
- The Bangalore Project
- small
- primary
- secondary
- grammatical
- India
- tasks
- target
- communicative purpose
- outcome
- structural -oral-situational
- skeptical
- syllabus of grammar
- syllabus of functions or notions
- Communicative Language Teaching
- conditions
In this sense, he was following the lead of advocates of a ‘___’ form of
CLT, such as Dick Allwright (1979) who insisted: ‘If the “____” management activities are ___ at involving the learners in solving communication ___ in the target language, then language ___will take care of itself’. In other words, you learn to communicate simply by ___. And ___– doing things that
involve ___language use – provide the ideal ___and ___for communicating. Prabhu, like many after him, ___the view that a ___syllabus, whether of grammar __or of __, and the ___methodology associated with it, are the ____ to ___.
- strong
- language teacher’s
- directed exclusively
4, problems - learning
- communicating
- tasks
- real
- context
- motivation
- rejected
- preselected
- items
- functions
- optimal route
- proficiency
Although supported by a long tradition in _____ education of
‘____’, initially TBLT ___ a ____ basis. Certainly, research into ___ was starting to cast ___ on the ____ of teaching according to a syllabus of ‘__’ (i.e. ___). The learner’s ‘____’ syllabus seemed to be ___ to this kind of ___. Moreover, research into the ___between learners when performing tasks, including the way that they ___and __ communication ____, suggested that these interactions might be a ___ site for ___. On the other hand, evidence from other ‘___’ learning contexts, such as ___(see chapter 1), indicated that an ___ on communication – without some ___ attention to the formal features of the language (called ‘___’) – might result in ‘___’, i.e. the ___ or ___stabilization of the language system.
- progressive
- learning by doing
- lacked
- sound empirical
- doubt
- wisdom
- forms
- grammatical structures
- inbuilt
- immune
- manipulation
- interactions
- negotiate
- repair
- breakdowns
- fertile
- acquisition
- deep-end
- immersion
- exclusive focus
- explicit
- focus on form
- arrested development
- temporary
- permanent
Accordingly, the ___ model of TBLT – which ___ ‘any ___ to ___itself’ (Prabhu 1987) – was ____ by scholars such as Mike Long so as to include a focus on ___. But it is a focus on form ‘which is by ____, i.e. responsive to the learner’s current stage of ___’ (Long 2015). In other words,
‘___lead, the ____follows’.
- Bangalore
- discouraged
- sustained attention
- language
- reconfigured
- form
- definition reactive
- development
- students
- teacher
Much ink has been shed as to what constitutes a task, but there is general
____ that a task should be directed at achieving ___, where language is the ___but ___. Filling in the verbs in a ___ exercise is not a task. Finding the differences in two pictures, by exchanging ___descriptions with your partner, is. As is the collaborative planning and taking of a class photo. ___can involve any one of the ___skills, ___or ___. They are more often done ___, but they can be done ___, and in __or on ___.
- agreement
- some outcome
- means
- not the end
- gap-fill
- spoken
- tasks
- four
- together
- in isolation
- collaboratively
- individually
- class
- line
The ___and ___ of tasks is more ___, since it is ___ in what ways one task is more difficult than another, or in what way tasks may build on one another to form a ___. A series of projects – or one continuous project, such as the __ and ___of a class website – offer possible ways of structuring a course. Attempts to ___ tasks according to the grammatical forms that they are ___to require have been ___as ___, and ___
- selection
- sequencing
- problematic
- not always clear
- coherent learning sequence
- design
- maintenance
- sequence
- likely
- dismissed
- task-supported learning
- not the real thing
There are various suggested models of how a task-based lesson can be
designed. Prabhu himself ___beginning with the ___performing the task, and then the ___following suit. Jane Willis (1996) ___this sequence, so that viewing the ___performance of the task occurs ___learners have attempted it themselves (and reported on the outcomes). At some ___ stage, ___might be devoted to how the task performance could be ___, including an __focus on form.
- favoured
- teacher
- learners
- reverses
- skilled
- after
- post-task
- attention
- improved
- explicit
While the (___) evaluation of the __ project was
itself ___, there is probably ___ that has been more ___ than TBLT: it comes supported by an ___ research base into SLA, especially the school of SLA that subscribes to a ___ view of ___, i.e. one that ___the learner as a ‘____’. ___tasks, and getting ___on them, would seem to ___this kind of processing. ____ studies of ___features of the method, such as different ways of focusing on form, have been ___. Evidence that ___models of instruction – such as __ – work any better is __.
- somewhat delayed
- Banglore
- inconclusive
- no method
- persuasively championed
- ever-growing
- cognitive
- learning
- construes
- limited capacity information processor
- Performing
- feedback
- optimize
- Laboratory-type
- specific
- encouraging
- alternative
- scarce
Why isn’t TBLT more ___, then? One reason might be the ___, mentioned above. There is also the __concern that, __ a ___syllabus, learners will simply ___their existing (___) competences. More acute still is the uncertainty, on the part of many __and their __, as to how to deal with the
___of task outcomes. Not to mention the actual ___ challenges of __, __and ___ on ___and ___. Where TBLT seems to work ___is when experienced ___ are working with ___groups of learners, e.g. immigrants, whose _ language needs can be ___, such that the programme can be designed to address them.
- widely applied
- syllabusing issue
- plausible
- without
- language
- recycle
- limited
- teachers
- supervisors
- unpredictability
- management
- setting up
- monitoring
- providing feedback
- pair
- group work
- best
- teachers
- smallish
- practical
- accurately predicted
The idea that the ‘___lead [and] the ___follows’ is a ___one – implying a ___ of ___in the curriculum. Taken to an extreme, it suggests the ___of what is called a ‘___’, that is, a syllabus that is in a __state of ___, as learners’ needs ___, their interests ___and their capacities ___. In this sense, ‘tasks are ___ events but parts of a __whose goals are determined by the interaction between __and their ___ and ___’ (Legutke & Thomas 1991). Recent
developments in some mainstream education systems, e.g. ___, where school subjects are ___ taught as ___disciplines, but are __into the ___ implementation of l___ projects involving a whole ___of tasks, might seem to offer a way forward.
- students
- teacher
- powerful
- fundamental redistribution
- power
- adoption
- process syllabus
- constant
- negotiation
- emerge
- fluctuate
- evolve
- not isolated
- process
- learners
- expressed interest
- needs
- Finland
- no longer
- independent
- merged
- collaborative
- long-term
- constellation