Task 3 Flashcards
Synaptic transmission
Chemical transmission of signals among neurons
Communication among neurons
At the synapses the neurotransmitters molecules are released into the synaptic cleft inducing IPSP or EPSP by binding to receptors on the postsynaptic membrane.
What are denditric spines?
Nodules of various shapes located on surfaces of many dendrites.
What are axodendritic synapses?
Synapses of axon terminal buttons on dendrites.
What are axosomatic synapses?
Synapses of axon terminal buttons on somas
Dendrodendritic synapses
What can axoaxonic synapses do?
They can mediate presynaptic facilitation and inhibito,
What are directed synapses?
The sites of neurotransmitter release and reception in close proximity.
What are nondirected synapses?
Sites of release and reception at a distance from each other the mmolecules are released from varicosities (bulges) along the axon branches.
How are neurotransmitters released?
By exocitosis from the presynaptic membrane
Whi has receptors for neurotransmitters?
The ostsynaptic membrane
who contains neurotransmitters?
The synaptic vesicles
Who produces ATP?
The mitochndrions
What is ATP?
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a nucleotid
What are the two basic categories of neurotransmitters? how are this packaged synthesized and transported?
Synthesized by cytoplasm of the terminal button
Pckaged in synaptyc vesicles of the golgi complex, stored i clusters
Large (neuropeptide)
neuropeptides are short aminoacid chains
they are assembled in the cytoplas of the cell body on the ribosomes
they are packaged by the clel body of the golgis complex
they are transported to terminal buttons by microtubules
What is coexistence of a neuron?
Many neurons contain two neurotransmitters mostly 1 small molecule and 1 neuropetide
Release the neurotransmitter molecules
Action potential traveling down the axon arrives at the axon terminal
Depolarization opens voltage gated calcium channels iin the membrane (Ca+2 neters the terminal)
Ca2+ causes synaptic vesicles filled
ed with neurotransmitters to fuse with presynaptic membrane and rupture releasing molecules into the synaptic cleft.
Transmitter molecules cross cleft to bind to receptor molecules in the postsynaptic membrane(opening ion channels in the postsynaptic membrane)
Ion flow creates local EPSP or IPSP
Synaptic transmitter is either inactivated by enzimes or removed from cleft by transporters.
synaptic transmiter may also activate presynaptic autoreceptors
The proccess of neurotransmitter release
Exocytosis of neuropetides
It .
Activation of receptors by transmitters molecules
By binding to receptors i the postsynaptic membrane neurotransmitter molecules produce signal
each is receptor is a protein containing binding sites for only a particular neurotransmitter