Task 1 ADHD Flashcards
Combined presentation
If enough criterions for Inattention and Hyperactivity/Impulsivity are met
Predominantly inattentive presentation
If only inattentive criterions are met
Predominantly hyperactive/impulsive presentation
If only hyperactive/impulsive criterion are met
Neurodevelopmental disorder
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that means that the onset is rather early in life
Value of future events
Patients with ADHD discount the value of future events at a higher rate than other children (do not wait for higher reward)
key characteristic of ADHD
o Symptoms can take many forms (e.g. inattention or hyperactivity)
o Might be caused by the different paths
Path 1 (Dual-pathway model of ADHD)
dysregulation of thought and action and associated with diminished inhibitory control (dorsal fronto-striatal dysregulation/meso cortical control circuits)
Context independent
More severe cognitive impairment
D1 receptor
Path 2 (Dual-pathway model of ADHD)
motivational style (delay aversion) associated with fundamental alterations in reward mechanisms (ventral fronto-striatal circuits/Meso limbic reward circuit)
Children are motivated to escape or avoid delay (Delay aversion)
Associated with reduced task engagement (start to look out of window to avoid delay of other task)
Is more variable in view of environmental factors (e.g. parenting)
D2 receptor
Developmental outcome
Separated into behavioural symptoms (impulsiveness, inattention and overactivity) and task engagement
Psychological processes
primary (deficient inhibitory control) and secondary (cognitive and behavioural dysregulation) process characteristics
Temporal processing deficits
independent factor to the dual pathway mode
o Associated with reading problems
Working memory deficits
Symptoms for inattention
o Often fail to give close attention, making careless mistakes when doing e.g. homework
o Often has difficulties sustaining attention in tasks or play activities
o Often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly
o Often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace
o Often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities (difficulty managing sequential tasks, disorganized work; poor time management)
o Often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort
o Often loses things necessary for tasks or activities (e.g. pens, phone, eyeglasses)
o Is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli (for older adolescents and adults, may include unrelated thoughts)
o Is often forgetful in daily activities
Symptoms for Hyperactivity and Impulsivity
o Often fidgets with or taps hands or feet or squirms in seat
o Often leaves seat in situations when remaining seated is expected
o Often runs about or climbs in situations where it is inappropriate (Note: in adolescents or adults, may be limited to feeling restless)
o Often unable to play or engage in leisure activities quietly
o Is often “on the go,” acting as if “driven by a motor” (always going)
o Often talks excessively
o Often blurts out an answer before a question has been completed
o Often has difficulty waiting his or her turn
o Often interrupts or intrudes on others (for adolescents or adults, may intrude into or take over what others are doing)
DSM-5 criteria for diagnose
o If six or more of the symptoms for Inattention and Hyperactivity and impulsivity are met and need to be impairing and consistent over at least 6 months
For people older than 17 5 symptoms have to be met
o Several inattentive or hyperactive-impulsive symptoms were present prior to age 12 years
o Symptoms are present in two or more settings
o There is clear evidence that the symptoms impair normal functioning in school etc.
o The symptoms do not occur exclusively during the course of schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder and are not better explained by another mental disorder
If the other disorder can’t explain the symptoms comorbidity is possible
o Age limit of 12 years
Gender differences
o Boys are nearly twice as likely to develop ADHD in childhood in adolescence it gets less (1.6:1)
o Girls diagnosed with ADHD show more inattentive features than boys who also show disruptive behaviour
o Affects 3 to 5% of school age children and 2.5% in adults
20-25% have also a specific learning disorder
45-60% develop a conduct disorder, abuse drugs or alcohol, or violate the law
Increases the risk for antisocial PD, substance abuse, mood and anxiety disorders, legal infractions and frequent job changes in adulthood
Brain parts involved
o Prefrontal cortex (control of cognition, motivation and behaviour)
o Striatum (Working memory and planning)
o Cerebellum (motor activities)
o Dopamine and norepinephrine
Immature brain hypothesis
Children with ADHD have slower development of the brain
o Are strongly tied to ADHD
o Triggering ADHD
o ADHD is often caused by prenatal and birth complications
o Heavy drinking or smoking during pregnancy can also cause ADHD
Dorsal frontostriatal pathway
involved in cognitive control (basal ganglia)
Ventral frontostriatal pathway
involved in reward processing (motivational deficit) (reinforcement)
Frontocerebellar pathway
related to temporal processing
o Shares neuro components (e.g. basal ganglia) with the other two pathways (correlation between them) but is still an own pathway
Impairments in timing, inhibition or delay
Overlap between different deficits was uncommon and never greater than expected by chance – 70% of those affected showed just one deficit.
Stimulants treatment (e.g. ritalin)
70-85% of the patients respond positively
Neuro level: enhances release and inhibiting reuptake of Dopamine
Side effects: reduced appetite, insomnia, edginess and gastrointestinal upset
Is often misprescribed for children that are hard to control without actual ADHD
Atomoxentine, clonidine and guanfacine
Neuro: affects norepinephrine levels
Can reduce tics and increase cognitive performance
Used in older age when people are also diagnosed with depression
Behavioural therapy
o Children learn to anticipate the consequences of their behaviour to make less impulsive choices, and less disruptive behaviour
o Highly effective in reducing symptoms
Most efficient treatment
• Combination of Drug treatment and behavioural therapy is most effective
Working memory training
o Increases activity in DLPFC and parietal association cortices
o Increases laboratory measures of attention
o Works also for preschool children (with no diagnosed ADHD)
o Decreases symptoms of ADHD based on parental ratings
o Attention training has no significant effects on WM
o Adaption of the difficulty level based on performance
Visuo-spatial WM
is more clearly associate with ADHD compared to verbal WM
Has transfer effects on verbal WM
Practice effects
getting better in one trained task (accounts for WM and inhibition)
Training effects
due to training one task you are better in another task of the same domain ( accounts for WM)
Transfer effects
training in one domain can enhance performance of others (accounts for WM on attention)
Inhibitory control
task did not improve performance on non-trained tasks
Might be caused by using it less often then WM as well it is a much faster neuronal process so actual training was short
used children age from 7-12 and gave them a computer program that adjusted the difficulty to their WM level (control group had no adjustment)
Treatment affect for every executive task and the parents mentioned improvement
Positive change for response inhibition (Stroop task) but no transfer effects, verbal WM (digit-span) , complex reasoning (ravens task)
Conduct disorder
A disorder that impairs others and owns life as well as violates general norms.
Cognitive energetic model
Information processing is influenced by both computational (process) factors and state factors such as effort, arousal and activation.
Effort – Related to motivation, energy necessary to meet demands of tasks. If children have deficit in effort, performance may be poor due to non-optimal energetic state. Reinforcement will induce necessary energy to meet task demands and thus improve performance on cognitive tasks.
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) – Computerization of tasks has shown to increase child’s interest and motivation. These programs include clear goals and objectives, highlights important materials and provides immediate feedback regarding response accuracy.
o Most effective CAI program has game-like format – It uses multiple sensory modalities (color, sounds, movement). It also includes animated characters, narratives, colorful interactive environments and player advancement through levels.