Task 1 Flashcards
Types of personality measurements
What is a self-report (S-Data)?
Asking a person about his or her actions, thought and feelings in various situations
Objective in the sense that everyone is asked the same questions and that there s a fixed number of response opportunities
What is an Informant (Observer) Report (I-Data)?
Asking the target’s friends, acquaintance, spouses give their rating on their behaviours, thoughts and feelings
What are behavioral reports (b-data)?
Observing a person’s behaviour directly, in either a laboratory or a natural setting
What is life outcome data (biodata) (L-data)?
Looking at some relevant life events that might have an impact on that person’s personality
Advantages of self-report
Practical and efficient
Convenient and easy to administer
Cheap (e.g. online study)
Direct insight into unique personal information
Individuals likely to be more motivated to talk about themselves
Straight-forwards scoring of the test results
Can control most response biases (by balancing the scoring key or using specifically designed scales)
Big samples possible
Most commonly used method
Disadvantage of self-report
Response Biases: - Socially Desirability - Acquiescent Responding - Extreme Responding some people might be bad at judged their own behavior or show distorted self-perception Cultural differences
Advantages of informant-report
multiple raters (“principle of aggregation”)
less socially desirable bias
ask different questions than in self-report
more general assessment, over many situations
Disadvantages of Informant-Report
Acquiescent Bias and Extreme Responding
Fundamental Attribution Error
other’s cannot assess personal information (thoughts, feelings and motives) of a person
difficult to obtain situation-specific behavior
Advantages of Behavioral Method in general
direct observation
can obtain situation-specific info
fewer response biases
Disadvantages of Behavioral Method in general
least practical ethical issues requires complex coding scheme expensive and costs time link between behavior and trait is often not clear (low external validity)
Advantages of Laboratory Setting
demonstration of situation-specific trait
can assess trait “on the fly”
Disadvnatages of Laboratory Setting
Artificial, might not represent how the person would behave in real-life
Demand characteristics
Advantages of Naturalistic setting
Electronic Activated Recorder may be a good method
Disadvantages of Naturalistic Setting
EAR is expensive & time-consuming
Advantages of life outcome data (L-data)?
could show important events in a person’s life
Disadvantages of L-data?
not sure if life-outcomes are an accurate indicator
construct validity might be low
Advantages if Multiple Methods
high construct validity
considers more perspectives
same strengths of the combined methods
Disadvantages of Multiple Methods
same weaknesses as combined methods
requires more effort, time, money, training to implement
What is content validity?
checks if the measurement (test, scale, items) measures all given facets of the given construct
What is construct validity?
How well does our measurement measure the concept It claims to measure, based on theory
What is convergent validity?
is the measurement correlated with variables that measure similar or opposite concepts?
What is discriminant validity?
Is our scale not correlated to variables that measure a construct, unrelated to the one we want to measure