Tarot - General Flashcards
0 - The Fool
This card often generally indicates a new beginning for its recipient, as well as originality stemming from this and a blissful innocence. These new beginnings are deeper than material and indicate a greater spiritual or social beginning. The Fool is often played as a positive card. Trust in one’s own beliefs.
Keyword: Trust
I - The Magician
The Magician has control over all four elements and is deemed all powerful. This positive card points to a greater use of one’s power at this point in time and should be seen as encouragement in creating a better future.
Keyword: Energy
II - The High Priestess
This card generally means to trust in one’s intuition and subconscious judgment rather than the logic at hand. The High Priestess asks to trust in our unconscious thoughts and dreams and represents a strong feminine power in the life of the recipient.
Keyword: Intuition
III - The Empress
Anticipate an attraction from others in every sense; friendly, romantically and sexually. This is a sensual card and shows the mystery of women as well as their wisdom. She may also represent a coming abundance of wealth, be this material or not. The Empress signifies a positive richness and beauty to come.
Keyword: Creativity
IV - The Emperor
The Emperor is a symbol of how thought sometimes needs to compromise the heart in the journey to success. The Emperor uses intelligence and consciousness to rule. The presence of an older man may be felt by this card. This man should be considered with thought for his wisdom. Seek assertion, confidence and self-control.
Keyword: Achievement
V - The Hierophant
The Hierophant plays heavily on spirituality and morals. The card asks us to do the ‘right’ thing and remain level headed. It is important now to keep up with routine and ritual to keep a moral balance in life.
Keyword: Tradition
VI - The Lovers
This card is directly related to the astrological Gemini and signifies a union of two people or ourselves and another. It is most often a romantic partnership. Sometimes we can be misguided by wars between the head and the heart in terms of love. The Lovers tell us to go with our heart. This card shows a union also of the light and the dark.
Keyword: Harmony
VII - The Chariot
Interpret this as asserting energy into one clear goal. By following the path to this goal without deterrence, triumph is certain. Use the head and heart as horses on The Chariot. With this, moving forward is simple.
Keyword: Determination
VIII - Justice
Justice deals with the idea of karma: all actions have a reaction. This card calls one to act reasonable and calm in order for the outcome of a situation to work in one’s favour. Sometimes a situation may not be the outcome on us we expected, but may impact someone else instead.
Keyword: Balance
IX - The Hermit
This card asks the recipient to find peace in one’s self. It is a highly spiritual card and even in atheism can imply to the spirit, even if that translates to emotion for the receiver. Remember that looking inside oneself for the answer is often the best idea for realising the truth. Keyword: Introspection
X - Wheel of Fortune
This card is a reminder of the cyclical quality of stagnancy and change. It tells us that “this too shall pass”. Whether “this” describes a good or bad occurrence, it is important to remember that transition is inevitable and to remain grounded and prepared for it. Roll with the changes.
Keyword: Change
XI - Strength
Now is the time to take peace alone. The image displays a magic cloth reflecting the recipient as a lion. It is the strength within the self which needs attention now. Preoccupation and fear need to now take a backseat.
Keyword: Energy
XII - The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man is neither up nor down and symbolises a crossroads in your life. The choice to say yes or no begins. It could also represent a desire to do something but not knowing what that something is or how to achieve it. This is a reflective time where the answer comes from accepting change to find relief from this waiting period.
Keyword: Suspension
XIII. - Death
The death of an era in one’s life is about to occur, both inwardly and outwardly in life. Relationships that were once easily accessible have morphed now or been replaced. With one door in life closing another opens, and we must let go of the past to move on to the future.
Keyword: Transformation
XIV - Temperance
Temperance asks for balance between different activities and people in our lives using compromise and sacrifice. It is also time to improve a deeper connection with some activities and people. The image shows the woman mixing the water with water. Alchemy of life is this card’s calling.
Keyword: Patience
XV - The Devil
Representing manipulation and trickery from others or even ourselves, this card asks us to find freedom in our choices. Sometimes our options may be cautioned by others. Recognise the advantage of freedom and independence.
Keyword: Trickery
XVI - The Tower
Roll with changes and don’t hold on to tradition. This card symbolises the transition of life from destruction. A forced change will end you to more realistic dreams and ambition, although the catastrophe may seem worse than it truly is. Move with this forced change and do not grow stuck in the loss.
Keyword: Change
XVII - The Star
A good omen, this card displays an influx of spirituality and creativity. The senses will be heightened in receiving inspiration. Think big in your ambitions and desires; now is the time to execute them and metaphorically follow the star’s calling. Clarity and hope are to come.
Keyword: Hope
XVIII - The Moon
Representing the astrological Pisces within the deck. Things may be confusing now, but only look to your inner instincts and intuition for guidance. If something does not seem right to you know, trust your gut feelings. This being said, be patient; do not rush to conclusions.
Keyword: Subconscious
XIX - The Sun
This card indicates a feeling of freedom greater than what you have felt in years. This card is the light at the end of the tunnel. Now, take time to enjoy yourself; travel, meet new people and try new things. Relish the glory of this positive omen wisely, yet enjoy the warmth.
Keyword: Freedom
XX - Judgment
This card is an awakening of the spirit. Take time with passing judgment on others and meditate on a new epiphany to come. Don’t jump to conclusions; take time with people and things. Now is time for forgiveness and allowing for second chances to free people in your perspective.
Keyword: Awakening
XXI - The World
This card symbolises a conclusion of something about to come. It is now necessary to take those few final steps to achieving your goal. Rest and relaxation are to come. Do not be afraid to ask for help from others now and trust in their guidance. You may feel the weight of the world is on you, but be patient; your burden is coming to a close.
Keyword: Success
Ace of Wands
Aces generally indicate a new beginning. The Ace of Wands may see new fire in your work/career. The Ace predicts an end of suffering and an opportunity to start new projects or relationships. Accept a feeling of energy and positivity headed your way.
Keyword: Beginning
Two of Wands
Twos of most suits signify balance. The Two of Wands may play on a balance in a partnership with another person. Remain positive as things that seemed unbalanced before are about to move back into alignment. Give chances to people around and be open-minded. Let your confidence take charge.
Keyword: Balance
Three of Wands
This card is very driven by financial growth that is about to come. Give your work credit now as it is definitely due. Success is yours. Be proud of it. Confidence is yours.
Keyword: Growth
Four of Wands
This card may foretell a great event that is about to happen in your life. Go, and enjoy it. A deeper commitment to something may be required in this time. Seek the positivity although keeps your wits about you. Business ventures are on the rise.
Keyword: Rise
Five of Wands
This card tells of competition, most often in the work field, but it may represent romantic competition also. Be ready for confrontation and remain confident in yourself - you can be successful in this challenge if you have faith in your abilities.
Keyword: Confrontation
Six of Wands
This card predicts a positive future for you. Things in the past have challenged your abilities but your reward is to come. There is a positive change occurring in your life. Relax, and go with the warm flow of change.
Keyword: Victory
Seven of Wands
In a competitive scenario, you are about to come out on top. You may now stand tall in your achievements and allow your sense of clarity to offer a helping hand to others. You are in a period of enlightenment.
Keyword: Valour
Eight of Wands
Things seem ‘up in the air’ when this card is played. You are frustrated, but you need to be patient. Although all seems stagnant right now, do not force movement for it will come. Put your best self forward and wait for wellness to come to you.
Keyword: Patience
Nine of Wands
Although most of the wand cards demonstrate positivity, the higher the number, the more complexity can be found in the meaning. Look towards the future and take each day one step at a time. You will need to be determined. Take a deep breath and calm down. Address your fears and realise they aren’t as bad as you think.
Keyword: Determination