target therapy
drugs targeted at pathways, processes and physiology which are uniquely disrupted in cancer cells
chemotherapy vs targeted therapy
- drugs targeting dividing cells
- not very specific
- mostly intravenous, some oral
- cytotoxic
targeted therapy:
- drugs that inhibit a more specific target in cells
- many are oral agents
- mixture of cytotoxic and cytostatic
stopping the cancer cells from multiplying and growing
possible targets in cancer cells
- can use targets that there are more of in cancer cells than normal cells
- use targets that are mutated or different in cancer cells than normal cells
- targets in both cancer and normal cells but normal cells regenerate or recover
targets in target therapy
- receptors
- genes
angiogenesis or metastasis - microenvironment i.e. hypoxia
- antigens expressed
personalised medicine
use molecular analysis to achieve optimum medical outcomes in the management of a patient’s disease or disease predisposition
advantages of personalised medicine
- detect disease at earlier stage
- enable selection of optimal therapy and reduce trial and error prescribing
- reduces adverse effects
- reduce time, cost and failure rates of clinical trials
- reduce the overall cost of healthcare
disadvantages of personalised medicine
- cost of tests and time
- drugs themselves are expensive and not accessible to everyone
- need good biomarkers to be able to stratify patients
- need good biomarkers in the form of liquid biopsy to monitor response or development of resistance
- resistance often develops
personalised medicine leads to
- better matching patients to drugs instead of trial and error
- customising drugs may eliminate life-threatening adverse effects
- reduce cost of clinical trials
- improved efficacy of drugs
cancer diagnostics for personalised medicine - what is the value of predisposition screen
identify patients for chemo-prevention
cancer diagnostics for personalised medicine - value of screen for presence of cancer
increase in patients - earlier recognition of disease
cancer diagnostics for personalised medicine - value of pharmacodynamic biomarkers
establish pharmacological dose
cancer diagnostics for personalised medicine - value of surrogate marker of clinical efficacy
early indication of proof of concept
application of the HER-2/neu receptor biomarker
select Herceptin (trastuzumab) for breast cancer
application of the BRCA1/2 biomarker
breast and ovarian cancer inherited risk, prophylactic tamoxifen and surgery
application of the transcriptional profile - 21 genes biomarker
avoid use of chemotherapy in breast CA patients with low risk of recurrence
receptors in breast cancer
- breast cancer associated with amplification of the genes coding for a cell surface receptor HER-2/neu
- these cells may have a 1000-fold increase in the number of these receptors on breast cancer cells
- having lots of receptors is associated with rapid growth
how does Herceptin initiate an immune response
- HER2 molecules on the cancer cell surface pair up to send signals to encourage cells to multiply
and for blood vessels - cancer cells multiply and the tumours quickly grow
- blood vessels grown in to provide the tumour with nutrients
- herceptin can be used to block the signals, stopping cancer cells from multiplying
- immune cells bind to herceptin and attack cancer cells
- cancer cells do not multiply as quickly, slowing tumour growth
- blood vessels do not grow in, starving tumours of nutrients
chronic myeloid leukaemia
- CML is the result of a reciprocal translocation between chromosome 9 and 22
- the result is a fusion gene created by juxtapositioning on the ABL1 gene on xome 9 to part of the BCR gene on xome 22
- the result of the translocation is the oncogenic BCR-ABL gene fusion
BCR-ABL gene
- only present in CML
- the ABL gene expresses a tyrosine kinase, the BCR-ABL transcript is also translated into a very active tyrosine kinase
- ABL activates cell-cycle controlling proteins and enzymes, the result of the BCR-ABL fusion is to speed up cell division and inhibits DNA repair
imatinib (Gleevec)
inhibits BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase, the constitutive abnormal gene product of the Philadelphia chromosome in chronic myeloid leukaemia
indication: Ph+ CML, Ph+ SLL, GIST
imatinib moa
slots into ATP binding site so ATP cannot - no substrate present so target protein cannot be phosphorylated - switched on
how to detect the Philadelphia chromosome
fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH)
second generation BCR-ABL inhibitors
difference between nilotinib and imatinib
nilotinib has higher potency of BCR-ABL inhibition