Tanzania - SAGCOT Flashcards
What does SAGCOT stand for?
The Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania.
True or false? SAGCOT is still going on.
Why was this part of Tanzania chosen?
The land is fertile and it is connected to the port of Dar es Salaam.
How many cluster areas are involved?
What are their aims?
1) 75,000 small farms linked to markets.
2) 2 million people lifted out of poverty.
3) 188 commercial farms in 6 cluster areas.
4) $1.14 billion invested in roads, rail, electricity and water infrastructure.
5) 450,000 jobs created.
6) Farming revenues of $1.2 billion per year.
7) Regional food security assured.
What investments were made?
1) China: $39 million for the railway.
2) USA: $15 million for agriculture.
3) EU: $26 million for agriculture and $4.7 million for hydro-electricity generation.
What is the hub and out-grower model?
The idea is that improvements to the infrastructure will attract commercial farms to the 6 cluster areas. The farms will act as a hub and will improve things like fertilisers, transport, storage facilities etc. Small farmers will act as the out-growers and can use these hubs to work on their own land. They will be helped by expertise and training from the hubs.
What has been successful so far?
1) The Kilombero Plantation. A commercial farm has invested millions of dollars, which allowed the central farm to double its rice yield. 7300 other rice growers in 11 villages are now connected to better facilities. Some farms now produce 8x more rice. They have also got a better price by improving access to markets.
2) Morogoro. Developments near here have been a success. 2 tobacco processing factories have been built and they offer advice to the local farmers. A sunflower processing plant has also been built, increasing farm incomes. A factory making farm equipment has increased its output too.
What criticisms have been made?
1) Most of the money invested benefits TNCs and commercial farms.
2) Most of the promised investment hasn’t been given.
3) Small landowners haven’t been involved in planning or making decisions.
4) Nomadic tribes have lost land and access to water for their animals.