Talmud Berakhot Flashcards - Sheet1
“It was said”, used to introduce dispute or two different opinions
תניא נמי הכי
“It was taught”, used to introduce a baraita
אין. . . אלא
The key ambiguous term only means x because of this other verse
איבעיא להו
“It was lacking for them,” they raised a halakhic problem
תא שמע
“Come! Listen!”, that it is taught
תיהוי תיובתיה
Let it be a refutation
אמר מר
“The teacher said”, introduces the narrator’s voice
מסייע ליה לר׳ X
Support the opinion of X
במאי קא מפלגי
“Why do they differ?”, Why are they arguing?
אי בעית אימא קרא/אי בעית אימא סברא
You could say, this (what they differ on) is (a scriptural source) and say that (what they differ on) is a (logical argument)
מה. . . אף
Just as X, then Y
שמע מינה
From this we infer
מאי טעמא
What is the reason–introduces scripture
ההוא מבעי ליה
From this we got
מנא ליה|נפקא ליה
“From where is it to?” [From where is the source / where do you derive this from?]
Introduces an Amoraic statement
דאי סלקא דעתך
“Would you not think”
למה לי
“Why do I need a verse [from the Torah]?” [It seems like one could figure it out using logic / reasoning / common sense alone]
You need
סלקא דעתך
Comes to mind
ואזדא ר׳ X לטעמיה
X goes according to principle, follows a line of reasoning
“Granted that….”
A teaching
“It is obvious”, in context: who bring this up? Isn’t it obvious?
מצות עשה שהזמן גרמא
Positive time-bound comand
קא משמע לן
“As it teaches” in context: The real reason isn’t obvious, therefore the Mishnah teaches it
מהו דתימא
Would you say
Introduces a contradiction
איבעיא להו
“It was lacking for them,” they raised a halakhic problem
אם תימצי לומר
“If you find yourself saying”
תא שמע
“Come! Listen!”, that it is taught
Raise an objection / put a question to…
הכא במאי עסקינן
“Here, what are we dealing with?” [What was that case referring to?]
דיקא נמי דקתני
“Note also, that it is written…” [one can use this to prove the point that has just been stated]
שמע מינה
“Hear from this” [proving a point or argument]
הני. . . כנגד מי
“These are… corresponding to what?”
Tannu Rabbanan - the Rabbis taught
Lit. “to throw or swing” [raise an objection]
לא קשיא
It is not difficult
כאן… כאן
Here… and here [in both cases]
מנא הני מילי
From where do we learn?
From here
תלמוד לומר
Learned to say
תניא נמי הכי
“A baraita is also taught thusly”, Is going to confirm what was just said
“It was stated”, raising a controversy, opposing view
Disagreed/separating from
“We have learned”, quoting from Mishnah