tally blood topic sentences key scene/ theme Flashcards
what is Act 1 Scene 2s topic sentence
Di Mambro uses Act One, scene 2 to establish the key theme of the play as we see for the first time Rosinella’s prejudice towards Scottish girls.
what is Act 1 Scene 11 topic sentence
Having introduced the theme in the key scene, Di Mambro goes on to develop it, showing the harmful effects of prejudice.
what is Act 2 Scene 8 topic sentence
Di Mambro uses the turning point of the play, Act Two scene 8, to demonstrate the terrible consequences of Rosinella’s prejudice.
what is Act 2 Scene 2 topic sentence
Not only does Rosinella display prejudice towards Bridget, but Di Mambro also shows us how badly Rosinella treats Hughie years later when he and Lucia develop feelings for one another in Act 2 Scene 2.
what is act 2 Scene 11 topic sentence
Di Mambro makes it clear that it is never too late to make amends for our behaviour and demonstrates that Rosinella changes, rejecting her former prejudiced views.