Talking medicine - unit 06 useful phrases Flashcards
Where does it hurt?
Kde to boli?
Where have you got the pain?
Co vas boli?
Show me exactly where you have the pain
Ukazte mi, kde presne to boli
How long have you had the pain?
Jak dlouho to boli?
How long has it hurt?
Odkdy to boli?
Where did the pain start?
Kdy bolest zacala?
What did you do before the pain started?
Co jste delal pred bolesti?
Does anything special bring it on?
Zpusobuje tu bolest neco konkretniho?
Does anything in particular make it worse?
Zhorsuje neco tu bolest?
Does anything relive it? (Drug, exercise, food, heat, rest)
Zmirnuje neco tu bolest (leky, cviceni, jidlo, teplo, odpocinek)
What kind of pain is it?
Jaka je to bolest?
Can you describe the pain?
Muzete tu bolest popsat?
Did the pain come on suddenly or slowly?
Zacalo to nahle nebo pomalu?
Does it wake you up at night?
Budi vas bolest v noci?
Does the pain spread to other areas?
Siri se ta bolest nekam jinam?