Talking Flashcards
vylejes to
you ll spill it
potrebujem zlepsit svoju vyslovnost
I need to improve my pronunciation
you are not listening
musim ich odlozit
i need to put them away
Preco kricis?
why are you screaming?
budte potichsie
be quieter
potrebujem radu
I need advice
To znie ako komplexný prístup
That sounds like a well rounded approach
Mate urcite temy?
do you have certain topics?
Špecifická slovná zásoba súvisiaca s touto konverzáciou
Specific vocabulary related to this conversation
vyvazeny plan
balanced schedule
je to spontanne
it s spontaneous
tesime sa na dalsiu dovolenku
we look forward to our next holiday
bolo to uzitocne
it was useful
more bolo teplejsie
the sea was warmer
najhori zazitok/skusenost
the worst experience
vela chutneho jedla
lots of delicious food
je to nasa vyhoda
it is our advantage
mam vela povinnosti
I have a lot of responsibilities
musime davat pozor
we have to be careful
zakladne pravidla
basic rules
in order to
dalsia praca
further work
vyzlec si pyzamo
take off your pyjamas
idem si zacvicit
I’m gonna go get some exercise
Začnem jednoduchšími cvičeniami
I’ll start with simpler exercises
najprv sa musim zahriat
i have to warm up first
dopravna znacka
traffic sign
dostupne miesto
available place
prosim navrhni nejaku temu
please suggest some theme
dodrziavanie predpisov
neviem si spomenut na spravne slovo
i can’t recall the right word.
Vyber si temu a nakresli obrazok.
Choose a topic and draw a picture.
Potrebujem zaistit dodrziavanie defekt pravidiel.
I need to ensure adherence to defect rules.
Musim zvazit tuto moznost.
I have to consider this option.
Zamestnavatelia chcu motivovat svojich zamestnancov.
Employers want to motivate their employees.