Talkies Flashcards
What is the goal of simple sentence imaging?
visualize and verbalize one sentence

What is the advantage to teaching words in categories?
creates relationships between images

What are the steps to prosody?
- explain that speaking involves saying some words loudly or quietly
- explain that different ways of saying words help with imagery
- demonstrate with squares
- push square up that is being said more loudly

Explaining prosody involves saying words in ways that help with __________?
- imagery

The last step of prosody involves pushes squares _______ and _______ to show emphasis.
- demonstrate with squares
- push square up that is being said more loudly

What are the steps to talking 3 word sentences, with concepts?
- teacher or student says a 3 word sentence using a concept for the 3rd word
- touch the squares and say the words
- have the student touch the squares and say the words
– discuss or act out the sentence
- take turns changing the concept word

The second step of talking 3 word sentences is to ________ the squres and say the _______.
- touch the squares and say the words

The third step of talking 3 word sentences is to ______ _______ the sentence.
– discuss or act out the sentence

The last step of talking 3 word sentences is to take turns ________ the concept word.
- take turns changing the concept word

What is the dual coding theory?
cognition is 2 parts: images and language together

What are the steps to talking 4 to 7 word sentences?
- same procedure as with shorter sentences but with more squares

Students with weak concept imagery are good at __________, but not the big _________.
Good at details, but not the big picture
What are the steps to talking 3 word sentences, using an adjective?
- Place 3 squares, first one is an adjective
- student touches the squares and say the words
- encourage imaging for sentence

Students answer _____/______ to indicate the teacher is right or wrong.
- student answers yes/no about what teacher is doing
What is an intervention for teaching category imagery?
- show a group of pictures in a category then ask student to name what he remembers

What are the steps to talking 2 word sentences, using imagery for both words?
- no objects will be used
- teacher says 2 words and places 2 empty squares down
- student touches the squares and says the words
- teacher ask the student to picture the words
What is imagery?
Visually descriptive language

What is the goal of step 5, picture to picture?
develop verbalization from a given picture, using words of increasing complexity.

What are the 7 basic structure words?
i. What is it
ii. Movement
iii. Color
iv. Size
v. Shape
vi. Number
vii. Where is it
Teachers need to have good ________ to teach Talkies.
- good energy

What are the little steps to simple sentence imaging?
- similar to simple word imaging, but student visualizes and verbalizes the whole sentence
What is the goal of the Lindamood Bell program?
imagery-language connection.
Brings sensory input to a conscious level and connects imagery to language processing.

What are the 2 types of imagery?
- concept
- symbol
What are the steps to talking 2 word sentences, imagery for verb?
- say 2 words
- place 2 squares down and only a card on the first square
- touch squares and say sentence
- ask the student to picture the 2nd word
- ask the student to touch the squares and say both words
- repeat with different words

What is the hallmark of step 4?
Moving from parts to the whole.
Words to sentences.

What are the steps to talking 3 word sentences, adding articles and connectors?
- start with noun and verb
- add an article card to a 3rd square
- touch each card and say the words
- have the student touch and say each word
- repeat using conjunctions
What are the little steps of sequence picture stories?
- discuss the pictures first
- put the pictures in order
- student describes the pictures
- mix up pictures
- student puts pictures in order
- student touches each picture and tells the story

What are steps to object to picture?
Student describes an object the teacher can’t see.
What is the goal of talking picture stories?
directly develop imagery and expressive language by sequencing a series of pictures into a little story
What are the 9 steps to Talkies?
- Setting the Climate
- Sensory/language play
- Talking words
- Talking sentences
- Picture to picture
- Simple word imaging
- Simple sentence imaging
- Talking picture stories
- Simple sentence by sentence
What kind of environment is best for Talkies?
positive reinforcement. emotions make learning stick.

How many sentences should you work up to in sentence by sentence?
What is the hallmark of concept imagery?
- rapid, dynamic mental representations.
- Takes in color, size, time, space, relationships, etc.
Should the student use expressive or receptive skills when attempting to paraphrase sentences in Talkies?
- Receptive, teacher paraphrases and student judges right or wrong

What is the Socratic method?
A response to every response.
Closing the circle of communication every time.

What are the key points to remember for Picture to Picture?
- use structure words to describe pictures
- keep images simple
What are the little steps of phrases with concept words?
- teacher says a phrase with a concept word
- ex. “on a chair” - student describes image with teacher prompting
- practice receptively if this is challenging
How many hours a day are needed for Talkies to work?
2 to 4 hours a day to create a new neural pathway
What is the simplest sentence that should be used to start talking sentences?
noun and verb

What is the intervention for creating images?
- show a picture
- take it away
- ask student to picture it
- ask student to name it
- ask follow up questions about size, action, color, etc.
- show card again to help student

What are the steps to talking 2 word sentences, student led?
- have student pick noun and verb
- student lays out squares and objects or cards on squares
What are the little steps in noun imaging?
- teacher picks a high imagery word known to the student
- teacher prompts the student to describe the image
- very difficult step

What is meant by images in dual coding theory?
- pictures
- sequences
- actions
- relationships
What are the little steps of word to object imagery?
- teachers says a word
- student gets the object associated with that word
- teacher then asks student to image it and describe it

What are the little steps of word to picture to imagery?
- teacher says a word
- student find the picture associated with that word
- teacher prompts for imagery and description
- Teacher says “you made me picture”
What is the goal of Simple Word Imaging?
To teach student to create a mental representation from a spoken word

What are the steps to simple picture to picture?
- student describes a picture that the teacher can’t see
- teacher says “your words make me picture…” or “What should I picture?”

What is the goal of simple sentence by sentence?
To develop student’s ability to create an imaged gestalt from language in order to provide sensory information for a detailed, sequential verbal summary of the expressed concepts
What are the 3 parts to step 1, Setting the Climate?
- explain what picturing or sensing an image is
- explain why it’s important
- repeat this information

What is an intervention for teaching categories?
- describe details and attributes that link images into categories
What signs that the goal for step 2 has been reached?
- good eye contact
- lots of gestures and facial expressions
- positive body language
- positive emotions

Why is consistency important in Talkies?
simplicity helps learning.
sessions should be the same every time.

How are errors handled in Talkies?
- restate the positive part of the answer
- review the answer given
- compare answer to the question
What are the little steps to visualizing and verbalizing picture stories?
- teacher describes each picture and puts cards in order
- teacher tells the story
- turn the cards over
- student tells the story from memory
- start with 2 cards and work up to 5
What are the steps to student and teacher describe a picture?
- student describes picture
- teacher prompts
- teacher summarizes student’s description
- teacher summarizes the main idea
What is critical to the success of sequencing?
Understanding the concept of first and last

What are 3 interventions for helping students picture the main idea of a sentences or sentences?
- ask questions about imagery
- keep focus on main idea of sentence
- connect the main idea to the next sentence
What is concept imagery?
The gestalt. image for a whole, such as multiple details and attributes

What are the 7 little steps in the process of sentence by sentence?
- student visualizes sentence
- student verbalizes sentence
- student uses a square to stand in for the sentence just said to him
- teacher questions for imagery
- teacher gives a picture summary of each image created
- student reverbalizes the sentence by going over the structure words
- teacher gives a word summary of the sentence
What is the first intervention for teaching oral vocabulary?
- Show pictures
- ask student to identify newly learned pictures by pointing or by saying the new word
What is the goal of the Talkies program?
sensory awareness of images to the conscious level

Who came up with the dual coding theory?
Allan Pavio, cognitive psychologist
What are the signs of improving imagery?
- eyes going up
- defocusing
- vividness in descriptions
- increasing speed with image recall

What type of imagery is easier for people with autism?
symbol imagery
What is the goal of step 3, Talking Words?
Student learns images for oral vocabulary and basic concepts
what are 4 interventions to teach imagery for objects?
- student guesses an object using hands only
- student feels an object and describes what he feels
- teacher describes an object and student names the object
- student describes an object and teacher names the object

What types of words should be used when teaching Talkies?
sensory words…picture, see, hear, feel

What are the steps to talking 2 word sentences, with the teacher leading?
- teacher says a noun and verb
- count the words
- put down a square and picture card for each word
- turn cards over
- point together and say the words
- have student touch each square and say the words
- discuss or act out the meaning to picture it
What does each sentence “become” in Talkies?
- picture card in itself of mental imagery

Name 5 interventions for accomplishing sensory-language play
- talk about imagery in general
- ask the student to picture a familiar object that is out of sight
- have the student evaluate responses with a thumbs up or thumbs down answer
- have the student copy teacher or describe what the teacher is doing
- read books and discuss images
What is the goal of step 4, talking sentences?
- To develop imagery
- increase complexity and length of sentences
- develop expressive language
What is the goal of step 2, sensory/language play?
Make a positive connection, build trust, get a good back and forth going

What is symbol imagery?
mental images for parts of the whole, such as letters, sounds and numbers

What is the problem with speaking too slowly in sentence by sentence?
- invoking word imagery instead of sentence imagery
What are the steps to imagery practice for pictures? The teacher _______ a picture.
- teacher turns over a picture
- student describes the picture from memory
Students who are weak at concept imagery are good with vocab and decoding, but struggle with _____________
Good with vocab and decoding, but struggle with reading comprehension.
Students who are weak with concept imagery are good at _________ and _________, but struggle with reading comprehension.
Good at vocab and decoding…
Students who are weak with concept imagery like _________ humor, but don’t understand _____________ humor.
like physical humor, but don’t understand language cased humor.
Students who are weak at concept imagery are good at ________ thinking, but struggle with ___________ thinking.
good at concrete thinking, but struggle with abstract thinking.
Students who struggle with concept imagery have hard to understand ________ _________ .
- hard to understand oral language
Students who have weak concept imagery have ________ social skills.
- poor social skills
Students who have weak concept imagery have a hard time in classrooms because they struggle to __________ __________.
follow directions
Students who have weak concept imagery have trouble with what kind of expression?
- poor written expression
Students who have weak concept imagery struggle with cause and ___________.
- difficulty with cause and effect
Students who struggle with concept imagery are good at what kind of imagery?
symbol imagery
Student ________ teacher actions to show expressive understanding.
student copies teacher actions
Student _________ what teacher is describing to show expressive understanding.
- student guesses what teacher is describing
Student _________ an image and __________ an image to show expressive understanding.
- student pictures an image and describes it
What is an example of a 3 word sentence with an adjective for step 3?
“Red airplane flies”
“Big cat jumps”
What are two structure words to use when learning 3 word sentences with adjectives?
size and color
Teachers provide appropriate _________.
- appropriate tasks

The steps in Talkies should _________.
- overlapping steps

Teachers in Talkies should encourage self _________.
- encourage self correction

Teachers in Talkies should encourage quick answers and __________.
- get to automaticity

Teachers in Talkies should use their hands and lots of _________.
- use gestures

How does the teacher prompt imagery?
“You made me picture….”
“What else can you help me picture?”

The goal of talking picture stories is to develop _________ and ___________ language in a story.
imagery and expressive language
For phrases with concept words, the teacher says a phrase and the student ___________.
describes it
Dual coding images can be ___________, sequences, actions and relationships.
- pictures
Dual coding images can be pictures, ____________, actions and relationships.
- sequences
Dual coding images can be pictures, sequences, ______________ and relationships.
- actions
Dual coding images can be pictures, sequences, actions and ____________.
The goal of sentence to sentence is to develop the student’s ability to create an ____________ from language in order to provide ___________ information for a detailed, _______________, verbal summary of expressed concepts.
- imaged gestalt
- sensory information
- sequential verbal summary
What is an example of an attribute of a category?
- ex. animals have feet, heads. furniture goes in a house.
To teach categories students can point to and name ___________,
To handle an error, first restate what the student said ________, then review the incorrect part, finally __________ answers to the question
- correctly
- compare
To help students summarize sentences, the teacher should prompt ______, keep focus on the ______ idea of the sentence and _______ the main idea to the next sentence.
- “questions” about imagery
- keep focus on “main” idea of sentence
- “connect” the main idea to the next sentence
The signs of improving imagery are eyes going ___, _________, _____________ in descriptions, and increasing _______ with image recall.
- eyes going up
- defocusing
- vividness in descriptions
- increasing speed with image recall