Talk Talk Talk Flashcards
perform a ceremony or show how smth happened
act out
Syn.: enact
The children started to act out the whole incident.
To act out the part of smo
[us. passive] to kill large numbers of animals, plants or people in a particular area;
[inf.] to severely damage smth or make smth weaker
decimate smth.
Syn.: destroy
The rabbit population was decimated by the disease
Cheap imports decimated the British cycle industry.
add information to complete an official form or document
[AmE] fill out
[BrE] fill in
заполнить формуляр
Simply fill out / fill in the application form and return it to your local branch.
оправдывать что-то перед кем-то
justify smth to smo
We often justify our habits to ourselves.
maintain, or support oneself, especially at a minimal level
subsist on
Syn.: survive, exist
He subsisted on welfare and casual labor.
throw smth somewhere lightly or casually;
throw a coin into the air in order to make a decisin between two alternatives, based on which side of the coin faces uppermost when in lands
Suzy tossed her bag on to the sofa.
He tossed up between courgettes and tomatoes and courgettes won
отбросить что-то
toss smth aside
When things get tough, we feel we can toss the whole project aside because we’ve given it our best try, although we haven’t.
drain smo of (strength or power)
sap smo of smth
Her illness had sapped her of energy and life.
Noun. Sap - the fluid which circulates in the vascular system of a plant, consisting chiefly of water with dissolved sugars and mineral salts; vigor or energy
fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force:
succumb to smth
сдаться, поддаться
we cannot merely give up and succumb to despair
make a physical attack;
bombard with something undesirable or unpleasant
assault smo
нападать на
He pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer.
She was sexually assaulted as a child.
Thunder assaulted the ears.
I hate all this hype around my personality.
externally vs. Inwardly
In the beginning of every undertaking we are excited and nervous. So we often seek to comfort ourselves externally instead of inwardly.
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undertake an endeavor
If fact, every endeavor we undertake is painfully difficult.
having the same bad effect as something else
tantamount /ˈtæntəmaʊnt/ to smth
If he resigned it would be tantamount to admitting that he was guilty.
Tantamount to death
быть равносильным чему-либо
spreading gradually or without being noticed, but causing serious harm
the insidious effects of polluted water supplies
with or involving the front of a vehicle
With or involving direct confrontation
a head-on collision
The hit a bus head-on.
She’s a serious writer who frequently tackles social issues head-on.
To face smth head-on
a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty
the country was in turmoil
he endured years of inner turmoil
Запирать, закрывать
Lock smo/smth away
I don’t want to mess up, so I decided to lock myself away for a couple of days and study the topic thoroughly.
Испортить, запороть
Mess up, mess smth up
If you mess smth up or if you mess up, you cause smth to fail or be spoiled.
You messed up my whole life.
You messed the project up.