Takings (5th Amendment) Flashcards
Takings Clause
Govt. MAY take private property for public use if it provides just compensation.
− Public use = there is a reasonable belief that it will benefit the public.
− Just compensation = fair market value at the time of the taking.
Possessory (Per Se) Taking
Govt. physically occupies the property (even if it’s just a small portion).
Regulatory Taking
Property becomes economically unviable due to a regulation.
(1) economic impact of regulation on claimant;
(2) extent of interference with the investment-backed expectations; and
(3) character of regulation.
*Sup. Ct. has upheld zoning laws when the govt. reasonably concluded that the health, safety, morals, or general welfare would be promoted.
Conditions on Approval of Permits → DO NOT constitute a taking if:
1) Essential nexus between state interest and permit condition exists; AND
2) Govt. makes an individualized determination that the condition is roughly proportional to advancing the state interest.