Takeoff/Departure/Area Basics Flashcards
BINGO fuel provides sufficient fuel, when arriving via the furthest radar drop off point, to arrive where at in the pattern and with how much gas?
arrive where?: Initial
with how much fuel?: 200#
How much will BINGO fuel change for solo studs?
Solo studs will add 100# to the BINGO fuel amount.
What is pattern fuel and touchdown fuel?
“Pattern” fuel is a SOF established fuel status in which crews should plan on arriving at initial with that amount of fuel. Crews may elect to continue with pattern ops as long as they touchdown with at least the SOF prescribed “touchdown” fuel amount.
What are the reasons to abort a takeoff? (there are seven)
- Any master caution or warning lights
- FF > 800#
- Departing a Prepared Surface
- Chip light
- Prop strike
- Fire
- Anytime you, as the pilot, feel it is warranted
You’ve landed/aborted and you have 800’ of RWY left, what airspeed do you need to be at to stop in time?
approx. 85 KIAS
For the second sortie of your initial solo quick turn, what is min fuel for taxi and takeoff?
500# and 450# respectively
What are the four reasons to Emergency Shutdown on the Ground?
Fire light
Chip light
Prop Strike
Departing a Prepared Surface
When performing a static takeoff, what percent torque do you run the engine to?
Deflection of the stick to the ___ during takeoff roll will be necessary due to the high torque factor.
Joker is the pre-briefed fuel status needed to…
terminate an event and transition to the next phase of flight
Minimum fuel is…
Minimum fuel for a solo is…
Emergency fuel is…
100# regardless of dual or solo sortie
Normal rotation speed is 85 knots but that can be delayed up to ___ knots by taking into consideration what factor?
ROT can be delayed up to 95 knots
take half of the reported gust and add that to ROT speed (up to 10 knot increase)
Establish ___ - ___ degrees NH on takeoff.
7-10 degrees
Use ___% of your VSI to determine a lead point for level off.
i.e. a 2,500 FPM climb up to 14,000 MSL would necessitate a 250’ lead point (13,750 MSL)
Do not begin a takeoff roll following another departure until they are ______ or a minimum separation of _____’ exists.
For the VFR pattern (under RSU control) A/C will switch to departure (Prime Ch 6) when…
…turning out of traffic.
15L: South of gun range
33R: North of power lines
When do you do the line up checklist?
When cleared onto the RWY
Hot side of 15L is the side furthest ____. (N,S,E,W)
On departures, to ensure minimum separation between A/C, you need to use what kind of turns, climb at what airspeed and cruise at what airspeed?
standard rate (3 degrees per second)
160 KIAS climb
200 KIAS cruise
Which of these constitutes IFR clearance under RAPCON (i.e. when does RAPCON assume responsibility for you?):
1) “Blade XX, Radar contact”
2) “Blade XX, Climb and maintain one-four-thousand”
#2 The phrase "radar contact" doesn't constitute an IFR clearance.