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axial skeleton
cranium, vertebral column, ribs, sternum
appendicular skeleton
upper extremity bones (shoulder arm forearm wrist) and lower extremity bones, including pectoral (shoulder - scapula and clavicle) and pelvic girdles
synovial joints
connection between two bony structures covered in hyaline cartilage; contains cavity between bones involved.
synovial membrane
membrane surrounding hyaline cartilage that secretes lubricating and nourishing synovial fluid.
joint capsule
outer fibrous layer in synovial joints containing synovial membrane, bony surfaces, and synovial/joint cavity.
pectoral girdle
shoulder - scapula and clavicle
glenohumeral joint (GH)
joint between scapula, clavicle, and humorous
- s shaped, long bone at shoulder level
- articulation: proximally with sternum, scapula distally
scapula: bony processes, and which is anterior?
-two bony processes (acromion, coracoid process) project anteriorly; coracoid is more anterior.
glenoid cavity
hyaline lined depression in scapula, site of glenohumoral joint.
humerus: proximal to distal
- proximal to distal: anatomical neck, surgical neck, deltoid tuberosity
- @head humerus: greater tubercle
humerus - tubercles anterio-medial to posterio-lateral
greater tubercle is lateral; lesser tubercle is anterior; lesser tubercle, inter tubercular groove, greater tubercle.
acromioclavaicular (AC) joint
anterior side of acromion - lateral edge of clavicle.
sternoclavicular joint (SC)
synovial joint between clavicle’s medial end and manubrium of sternum; attaches pectoral girdle to axial skeleton
ligaments between humerus and scapula
superior, middle, inferior glenohumeral ligament
ligaments from coracoid to acromion to clavicle
coracoacromial, acromioclavicular ligaments
ligaments between coracoid and clavicle, medial to lateral
coracoclavicular - conoid, then trapezoid (then coracoacromial)
humerus movements - anterior, lateral, rotation, and combinations
flexion/extension; abduction/adduction; interior/medial or exterior/lateral rotation; and circumduction.
deltoid - origin insertion innervation fxn
O: u-shaped from lateral 1/3 clavicle to acromion to scapula spine; I: deltoid tuberosity on lateral humerus shaft; N: axillary nerve; F: arm abduction.
four rotator cuff muscles
supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis (SITS); surround glenohumeral joint
order of rotator cuff muscles lateral view from anterior counter clock wise
subscapularis, supraspinatus, interspinatus, teres minor.
supraspinatus: O I N F
O: supraspinous fossa; I: greater tubercle of humerus (superior facet); N: supra scapular nerve; F: initiates abduction
infraspinatus: O I N F
O: infraspinous fossa; I: greater tubercle of humerus (middle facet); N: supra scapular nerve; F: laterally rotates arm
teres minor O I N F
O: lateral border of scapula; I: greater tubercle of humerus (inferior facet); N: axillary nerve; F: lateral arm rotation
subscapularis O I N F
O: subscapular fossa; I: lesser tubercle of humerus; N: upper and lower sub scapular nerves; F: adducts, medial rotation arm.
triceps brachii landmark - how teres major minor relate
long head attaches infraglenoid tubercle; long head anterior to teres minor, posterior to teres major
teres major O I N F
O: (inferior lower) lateral border of scapula; I: anterior side of humerus; N: lower sub scapular nerve; F: extension, medial rotation arm.
quadrangular space - 4 things
triceps brachii long head, teres minor (post), teres major (ant), humerus
quadrangular space - nerves traveling through
axillary nerve and posterior circumflex humeral vessels
triangular space - 3 muscles
triceps brachii long head, teres major (inf ant), teres minor (sup post)
triangular space - nerves traveling through
circumflex scapular artery
triangular interval - 3 things
triceps brachii long head, teres major, humerus
triangular interval - nerves traveling
radial nerve and deep artery of arm (profunda brachii)
suprascaular notch - nerves passing
suprascapular artery, vessels and nerve; artery travels superficial to transverse scapular ligament nerve passing deep. (A)rmy goes over bridge, (N)avy goes under. They supply both supra and infraspinatus.
latissimus dorsi humeral insertion
intertubercular groove anterior and slightly superior to teres major insertion.
serratus anterior inneration
long thoracic nerves
long thoracic nerve innervates _____
serratus anterior
pectoralis major O I N F
O: clavicular head (medial 1/2 of clavicle), sternocostal head (sternum and adjacent costal cartilage); I: anterior side of humerus, lateral lip of inter tubercular groove; N: medial and lateral pectoral nerves; F: flexes, adducts, medial rotation arm.
pectoralis minor O I N F
O: ribs 3 through 5; I: coracoid process of scapula; N: medial pectoral nerve; F: depresses scapula
deltopectoral groove (clavi-deltopectoral triangle)
space between anterior deltoid medial border and pectoralis major lateral edge
what goes through deltopectoral groove
cephalic vein.
collateral circulation (anastomoses)
the enlargement of surrounding arterial vessels around an occluded artery, to circumvent the occlusion and continue distal tissue perfusion.
two pathways of scapular collateral circulation
bypass axillary artery via dorsal scapular artery anatomizing with the circumflex scapular artery, part of sub scapular artery, which follows scapula lateral border to distal axillary artery. Second detour: supra scapular artery (superficial to transverse scapular ligament) through supraspinous fossa, descends to distal axillary artery.