Tags Flashcards
Behavior : Perception:
Animal is observed or interacted with (follow up with what type of animal)
Behavior : Planner:
Bad drop off point on P2P testing
Behavior : Planner:
When hero performs the parking action but its Bad Double Parking
Behavior : Robot Dynamics:
#comfort | Subjective to operator’s experience and discretion, dropped in autonomy or for disengagement. To be used for extreme uncomfortable or undesirable vehicle behavior - for example, driving behavior that you would mark a rideshare driver down for. Some examples may be: very harsh/unnecessary braking, harsh/unnecessary acceleration, harsh/unnecessary lateral steering. Please tag significant comfort events even if there is a safety-based justification. For example: #comfort heavy brake for late jaywalker
For more minor uncomfortable behavior, use #idm
Behavior : Perception:
Construction Zone - Use when taking note of an event that occurs near a construction zone, not for each occurence (DC) of a construction zone
Behavior : Perception:
Use when false positive stop gates appear in Coredash due to distractors such as steam, exhaust, rain, fog, dust (please follow up hashtag with what type of distractor - steam, exhaust, rain, fog, dust).
Behavior : Perception:
Use when an emergency vehicle is observed or a siren is heard, irrespective of whether it is an active emergency vehicle. Use this tag even if the EV/sirens presence does not impact hero in any way. These include but are not limited too (ambulances, police cars, firetrucks etc.)
Safety : Safety:
To be used in the event of an incident. Incident should not be described in notetaker, only #eventreport
Behavior : Perception:
Foreign Object/Debris (follow up with what type of debris)
Behavior : Lux/Vox:
Used when you might have honked (regardless of planner action) Ex. (Honking to avoid collision, Honking to raise awareness in ORUs etc.)
Behavior : Autonomy Software Intergration:
#idm | Subjective to operator’s experience, dropped in autonomy. To be used for minor uncomfortable or undesirable vehicle behavior - for example, if you were on a rideshare ride, you may look up from your phone due to the behavior but you wouldn’t mark the rideshare driver down. Some examples may be: brake taps, minor steering jerks, momentary unnecessary acceleration. Use your discretion. For more extreme uncomfortable behavior, use #comfort
Behavior : Perception:
In an intersection, false negative yield or late yield to:
1. Crossing traffic from left when hero takes right turn.
2. Crossing traffic from left, right, or oncoming traffic when hero takes left turn
No hashtag needed when hero has right-of-way, the other agent is behind hero, or is less than 50 meters from hero.For ghost mode, drop #lateyield when hero should be yielding to oncoming / cross traffic during turns, but the stop gate does not exist in Coredash.
Safety : Safety:
Used to describe an interaction with the public (whether positive or negative). Ex. comment: #pi car behind honked during dpv
Behavior : Teleop:
A real instance in which TeleOps could have been used but was not
Behavior : Planner:
Hero attempts a get on road maneuver (To only be used during Foster City runs.)