Tactics Vocab Flashcards
Fire is a chemical process where fuel, oxygen, and heat come together in an uninhabited chain reaction.
Behavior of fire
The backbone of every fire department, encompasses basic and advanced areas.
Usually holds the rank of lieutenant or captain and has the responsibility for leading an engine or ladder truck company
Fire officer
Method of gathering facts about a building or process prior to an emergency.
Pre-incident planning
The theoretical amount of water needed to control and extinguish a fire.
Needed fire flow
The traits an incident commander exhibits that will influence the conduct of everyone operating at an incident scene.
Command presence
The first national fire fighter life safety summit produced 16 major initiatives that will give the fire service a blueprint for making positive changes.
Firefighter life safety initiatives
A shared responsibility by the driver and the officer to ensure safe driving procedures when ever a fire department apparatus is in motion.
Safe operation of fire department apparatus
Is an uninhabited chemical chain reaction that occurs when the fuel is broken down by heed.
Fire tetrahedron
What are the four elements in the fire tetrahedron.
Oxygen, heat, fuel, chain reaction
Fires that involve ordinary combustible materials: Wood, paper, textile.
Class A fires
Describe the symbol, it’s coloring, and alphabetical letter that the packs each class a fire.
Class A: green triangle Class B: red square Class C: blue circle Class D: 5 point yellow star Class K: black hexagon
Fires that involve flammable liquids, combustible liquids, petroleum greases, tars, oil’s, solvents, lacquers, alcohol, and flammable gases.
Class B fires
Fires that involve energized electrical equipment.
Class C fires
Fires that involve combustible metals: aluminum, magnesium, titanium, sodium, and potassium.
Class D fires
Fires that involve vegetable oil‘s, animal oil’s, or fats, and cooking fires.
Class K fires
Are commonly extinguished with water or a method that uses water and an additive or with fire extinguishers.
Class A fires
These fires are extinguished by using foam and fire extinguishers.
Class B fires
These fires are extinguished by using extinguishers that will not conduct electricity. Dry chemical and carbon dioxide (CO2) fire extinguishers are used for extinguishing these types of fires.
Class C fires
These fires are commonly fought with a special type of fire extinguisher for fighting metal fires.
Class D fires
The most effective extinguishing system for these types of fires is a wet chemical commercial hood suppression system.
Class K fires
What are the methods of heat transfer?
Conduction, convection, radiation
Is heat that is conducted by a gas or liquid.
What are the five stages of fires?
- Ignition 2. Growth 3. Flashover 4. Fully developed 5. Decay
Is the ignition of combustibles in an area heated by convection, radiation, or a combination of the two. Which results in an almost simultaneous combustion of all the materials.
Used to describe the fire or flame front that often is observed rolling along in front of burning materials.
A fire that is deficient in oxygen, can lead to the possibility of smoke explosion to occur. There is insufficient oxygen for active burning, and the fire is smoldering.
What is the needed fire flow formula?
NFF= length x width / 3 NFF= 60’ x 20’ / 3= 400 gpm
What is the needed fire flow formula for multi story structures?
NFF= L x W / 3 x 2 (floors)
Provide the water to control and extinguish fires.
Engine company operations
Rescue, flattering, forcible entry, ventilation, overhaul, and salvage are the primary duties assigned to what company?
Truck company operations
What are the four types of sprinkler systems?
Wet pipe sprinkler systems Dry pipe sprinkler systems Preaction sprinkler systems Deluge sprinkler systems
What type of sprinkler system contains water at all times?
Wet pipe sprinkler system
What type of sprinkler system is filled with air or nitrogen under pressure in lieu of water?
Dry pipe sprinkler system
What type of sprinkler system contains a deluge type of valve, fire detection devices, and closed sprinkler heads? System is charged with air or nitrogen not water.
Pre-action sprinkler system
What type of sprinkler systems utilize open sprinkler heads and a deluge valve?
Deluge Sprinkler system
Type of standpipe system that provides 2 1/2 inch hose line connections at designated locations in a building for use by firefighters or full scale fire fighting?
Class 1
Type of standpipe systems provide 1 1/2 inch hose line connections at designated locations in a building for first aid fire fighting? These systems contain a hose line (commonly referred to as a house-line), nozzle, and hose rack.
Class 2
Type of standpipe systems that provide full scale and first aid firefighting capabilities and are intended for both firefighter and fire brigade use? The systems are provided with both 2 1/2 inch and 1 1/2 inch hose line connections.
Class 3
Can range from 1 to 8 stories spread over hundreds of feet or a city block
Commercial buildings and warehouses
type of structure with a row of stores with parking in front.
Strip mall
Type of structure found in urban and suburban areas. Every day merchandise consist of many flammable hazards.
Enclosed shopping mall
Type of structure that is typically one story self Service stores that contain food supplies and household goods for a customer purchase arranged in long aisles, and may include commercial kitchens and Restaurant areas as well.
May contain Saw Mills, millwork shops, and a large quantity of highly combustible lumber in exposed exterior piles.
This type of structure is more than 75 feet tall and presents numerous life safety problems to firefighters fighting a fire.
High-rise building
Can expose firefighters to uncontrolled situations that present a more complex set of occupational health and safety concerns than structural firefighting.
Hazardous materials incident
Involve highly flammable products and there is that ever-present danger of rapid incident scene changes.
Tank farm/refinery fires
Violent acts, or ask dangerous to human life, in violation of criminal laws of the United States.
Terrorism incidents
A homemade bomb that uses conventional explosives and contains radioactive material that is intended to be dispersed as the bomb explodes.
Dirty bomb
Illegal laboratories ranging from primitive to highly sophisticated facilities for the production of illegal drugs such as methamphetamines.
Clandestine drug labs
Devastating natural events, such as earthquakes, tornadoes, and hurricanes, occurring with little or no warning that destroy properties and take many lives.
Natural disasters
What type of mode is an aggressive attack to either extinguish a fire, stop a leak, or control a spill.
What type of mode is a holding action where a defensive stand is taken. Firefighters are kept a safe distance from the threat of exposure to the product or potential explosion.
is a combination of offensive and defensive modes
Type of mode making an aggressive attack with either hose lines or foam lines to rescue someone trapped, or attempting a quick shut down of valves to minimize or mitigate the problem.
A type of mode where an initial holding action is utilized until a fire reaches the state where it can be controlled, or until sufficient resources arrive, such as foam or hazmat units.
This mode means that no action will be taken. This can be due to a number of considerations: the IC has decided that no civilian life is at stake and that any course of action would be too dangerous.
A roof that floats on the surface of the product in the tank (normally crude oil). The tank design prevents a build up of vapors between the surface of the liquid and the underside of the roof.
Open top floating roof tank
Has a floating roof and a permanent solid cone roof. The cone roof is permanently attached to the side walls with a weak shell joint. This weak shell attachment is meant to separate the roof from the sides if there is any pressure buildup within the tank.
Covered floating roof tank
Has a permanent solid cone roof attached to the side walls with a weak shell joint, allowing for separation of the roof and the sides should pressure buildup occur within the tank. The solid roof allows a vapor space between the surface of the liquid and the underside of the roof.
Cone roof tank
A means to reconstruct events and assess how the fire department performed at an incident. The outcome should be the improvement of operations.
Incident critique
Stress experienced by firefighters exposed to traumatic incidents.
Critical incident stress
When should a formal critique be conducted?
Should be held after most major emergencies or significant events. A date should be selected as soon as possible after the incident.
When should an informal critique be conducted?
Immediately following the incident
Contains measurable incident objectives to be achieved in a specific time frame.
Incident action plan
Is a practical tool that is used in the planning process and for the development of the incident action plan
Planning “P “
The two basic methods are the classical method and the naturalistic, or recognition prime, or cue-based method.
Incident scene decision making
Identifies problems at an incident scene.
The overall goals that will solve the problems found.
The way strategies or goals will be achieved.
Stipulate who will do which step and when.
Is a tool created to optimize human performance.
Crew resource management
Studied by UL and NIST to scientifically determine how ventilation affects a fire burning in one and two-story dwelling’s.
Firefighting ventilation practices and tactics
The types of attack for structural firefighting are offensive, defensive, and transitional period
Modes of fire attack
What are the three forms that make up the foundation of the IAP?
ICS form 202, 203, 204
What form provides a general situational awareness that may include incident objectives that are received from the IC , projected weather forecast, and a safety message from the safety officer.
ICS form 202 Incident objectives
What form contains the names of everyone in the incident management system who has received an assignment, such as the IC, Section chiefs, branch directors, supervisors, and unit leaders.
IC form 203 Organizational assignment list
What form denotes the divisions, groups, strike teams, task forces, and crews with their individual work assignments or tactics.
ICS form 204 Assignment list
Decision making that is used for training exercises, development of pre-plans, or incidents with cues that require a set of reactions that the decision-maker has not experienced or learned before.
Classical method of decision making
Decision making through personal experience of training exercises, incident scene responses, and study, has built a base of knowledge. This knowledge is embedded in the brain and is readily recallable.
Cute-based decision-making
What are the five levels of the command sequence?
Level 1: Incident priorities Level 2: Size up Level 3: Strategy Level 4: Tactics Level 5: Tasks
What are the incident priorities that are utilized in the command sequence?
Priority 1- Life safety Priority 2- Incident stabilization Priority 3- Property conservation
What is Coal was wealth?
Construction Occupancy Area Life hazard Water Auxiliary appliances Street conditions Weather Exposures Apparatus/personnel Location Time Hazards/height
What are the seven basic strategies?
Rescue Exposures Confinement Extinguishment Overhaul Ventilation Salvage
What are the four basic modes of fire attack for structural firefighting?
1 Offensive 2 Defensive 3 Offensive/defensive 4 Defensive/offensive
What are the five factors of crew resource management?
Communications, situational awareness, decision-making, teamwork, barriers