Tactic Calculation Flashcards
Improve your chess calculation ability
What are the seven calculation steps?
Step 1 MI (material & imbalances)
Step 2 OT (opponent’s threats)
Step 3 UP (any hanging / unprotected / semi-protected pieces)
Step 4 TT (tactical themes)
Step 5 CH (any checks)
Step 6 CM (any checkmate threat?)
Step 7 FM (forcing moves)
What is step 2 (OT)?
Step 2 OT (opponent’s threats)
What are opponents threats? checks, mate, unprotected, semi, tactical themes
What is step 1 (MI)?
Step 1 MI (material & imbalances) Count the material and identify any material imbalance.
How does that effect decision making e.g. if pawn / piece down then different choices
What is step 5 (CH)?
Step 5 CH (any checks) Can I give a check? (Checks are the most forcing moves you can do)
What is step 6 (CM)?
Step 6 CM (any checkmate threat?) Can I threaten checkmate? (The checkmate threat is the second most forcing move one can do)
What is step 3 (UP)?
Step 3 (unprotected pieces and pawns
Look for Hanging Pieces / Unprotected pieces / Semi protected pieces
HP (hanging pieces) - A piece immediately under threat of capture.
UP ( unprotected pieces) - A piece / pawn with no protection, 0 pieces defending and 0 attacking
SP (any semi-protected pieces) - a piece / pawn that has the same number of attackers and defenders e.g.
- 1 attacker - 1 defender
- 2 attacker - 2 defender
- n attacker - n defender
These often deserve more attention that unprotected pieces.
Remember LPDO - Loose Pieces Drop Off
An unprotected piece is a target for an attack threat.
What is step 6 (TT)? What are the two mnemonics?
Step 6 - TT (tactical themes) What are the tactical themes?
- Hanging pieces
- existing threat
- # attack > # defend - Unprotected pieces and semi-protected pieces
- potential threats
- # attack = # defend
- Add an attacker
- Remove a defender – decoy / distraction
- Interfere with a defender – cut off protection - X ray attacks - An X-ray attack refers to a situation where a long-range piece indirectly attacks an enemy piece through another piece or pieces - indirect - does this alter hanging / unprotected?
- Mating possibilities.
- Among its variations, the simplest pattern is a weak back rank. This refers to a situation where the defender has either one or no major piece guarding his back rank and has not moved any pawns in front of his King. - Trappable pieces - Is there a piece that can barely move - if attacked cannot run away
- Pinned, pinnable, forkable, and skewerable pieces
- Discovered attack / discovered check
- Critical lines and squares
Weak squares / colour complexes
Is there an alignment of pieces offering opportunity along a diagonal, rank or file especially where heavy pieces are involved?
- Diagonal - bishop , queen
- File (vertical) - rook, queen
- Rank (horizontal) - rook, queen
What is step 7 (FM)?
Step 7 FM (forcing moves)
Consider forcing moves and calculate them to the best of your ability!
Forcing moves that force the opponent to respond in a limited way
- create a threat
- win material
- win game
- improve position
In what sequence should forcing moves be considered?
You should always start with the most forcing ones (checks > checkmate threats > capturing or threatening the highest valued piece and so on) all the way down to the least forcing ones (attacking a pawn).
most forcing move
- checks
- checkmate threat
- highest captures
- queen, rook
- attack a piece
- e.g. pawn moves
- huge material gain threat
least forcing move
- attack a pawn
attacks threaten to win next move
but gives opponent 2 moves to react
Tactical themes 1 - what is a hanging piece?
- Hanging pieces
- existing threat
- # attack > # defend
Tactical themes 2 - what are unprotected and semi-protected pieces?
- Unprotected pieces and semi-protected pieces
- potential threats
- # attack = # defend
- Add an attacker
- Remove a defender – decoy / distraction
- Interfere with a defender – cut off protection
Tactical themes 3 - what are X ray attacks
- X ray attacks - An X-ray attack refers to a situation where a long-range piece indirectly attacks an enemy piece through another piece or pieces - indirect - does this alter hanging / unprotected?
Tactical themes 4 - what are Mating possibilities.
- Mating possibilities.
- Among its variations, the simplest pattern is a weak back rank. This refers to a situation where the defender has either one or no major piece guarding his back rank and has not moved any pawns in front of his King.
Tactical themes 5 - what are Trappable pieces.
- Trappable pieces - Is there a piece that can barely move - if attacked cannot run away
Tactical themes 6 - what are Pinned, pinnable, forkable, and skewerable pieces
- Pinned, pinnable, forkable, and skewerable pieces