Tacitus Section 12 Flashcards
Paucis post kalendas Ianuarias diebus Pompei Propinqui procuratoris e Belgica litterae adferuntur,
A few days after the 1st of January, letters of Pompeius Propinquus the procurator are brought from Belgica
superioris Germaniae legiones rupta sacramenti reverentia imperatorem alium flagitare et senatui ac populo Romano arbitrium eligendi permittere quo seditio mollius acciperetur.
that the legions of Upper Germany, their respect for their military oath broken, demand** another emperor, and allow** the senate and Roman people the judgment of choosing [him] so that thereby the rebellion might be accepted more softly.
maturavit ea res consilium Galbae iam pridem de adoptione secum et cum proximis agitantis.
This event hastened the plan of Galba, who had been long debating about adoption with himself and with nearest [associates].
non sane crebrior tota civitate sermo per illos menses fuerat, primum licentia ac libidine talia loquendi, dein fessa iam aetate Galbae.
Indeed there had been no more frequent conversation in the whole state during those months, at first through freedom and desire to talk of such matters, then because of Galba’s tired time of life.
paucis iudicium aut rei publicae amor: multi stulta spe, prout quis amicus vel cliens,
Few [had] any judgment or love for the Republic; many in stupid hope, in so far as each had a friend or client,
hunc vel illum ambitiosis rumoribus destinabant, etiam in Titi Vinii odium, qui in dies quanto potentior eodem actu invisior erat.
were marking out this man or that with ambitious rumours; also for the sake of hatred of Titus Vinius, who by as much as he was daily more powerful, by the same movement was more hateful.
quippe hiantes in magna fortuna amicorum cupiditates ipsa Galbae facilitas intendebat,
Indeed the very easiness of Galba was stimulating the gaping desires of his friends in [his] great good fortune,
cum apud infirmum et credulum minore metu et maiore praemio peccaretur.
because in the case of one weak and credulous wrong might be done with less fear and greater reward.