Tac Stuff Flashcards
Define Assessment Zone (AZ)
The area outside the boundary. If conditions warrant, additional boats may be deployed into the AZ to intercept and escort; to extend the range of interception, to detect potential threats and to escort vessels entering or leaving port. It is NOT an extension of the SZ, so COTP authority does not extend into the AZ
Define Captain of the Port (COTP)
Within their jurisdiction, these CG Officers enforce port safety, security and maritime environmental protection regulations including, without limitation, regulations for the protection and security of vessels, harbors and security zones, regulated navigation areas, deep-water ports, water pollution and ports & waterways.
Define collateral damage
Injury or destruction of people, property or equipment not related to the mission as a result of lawful UOF directed at a target, vessel or person.
Disabling fire
The firing of ordnance at a vessel with the intent to disable, with minimum injury to personnel or damage to the vessel. Disabling fire, as practiced by the CG, DOES NOT constitute the use of deadly force.
Define Escort
A protective screen of Naval or LE vessels and aircraft used to protect a high value asset(s) from enemy attack.
Define field of fire
The area in which a weapon or a group of weapons may cover effectively with fire from a given position.
Define herding
Tac Boat maneuver where an RB purposely maneuvers towards a TOI (there is NO physical contact) in an attempt to force it away from the protected asset.
Define High Value Asset (HVA)
Any land-side or water-side asset that is of high value. May include military or commercial vessels. Waterfront facilities. Military facilities. Submarines. Commercial vessels carrying CDC…etc.
Define Intercept Zone (IZ)
The outermost area of a security zone (SZ). Normally extends from the outer edge of the RZ away from the HVA an additional 1000 yds.
Define layered defense.
A subset of layered maritime security (MARSEC). A system of multiple lines of defense with a specific objective of protection.
Define Limited Access Area (LAA)
Areas defined in the port, facility, terminal area or activity boundaries and used to restrict or control movement of vessels, vehicles, persons or objects within these areas. The establishment of any LAA requires public rule making and publication in the federal register.
Define Non-Compliant Vessel (NCV)
A vessel subject to examination that refuses to heave-to after being legally ordered to do so.
Define Operational Control (OPCON)
Transferable command authority that may be exercised by commanders at any level at or below the level of area commander. OPCON is inherent in area command (command authority). May be delegated and is the authority to perform those functions of command over subordinate forces involving organizing and employing commands and forces, assigning tasks, designating objectives and giving necessary authoritative direction to accomplish the mission.
Define Opposing Force (OPFOR)
A boat, crew and designated instructor which role play PWCS and NCV pursuit scenarios.
Define Patrol Commander (PATCOM)
Designated by TACON to handle the on-scene organization of larger operations. Could be filled by the CO of a cutter, a member of the local Marine Safety Office (MSO) or Sector or the senior Coxswain operating a response boat. Primary responsibility is to continually update TACON with the on-scene conditions and position, available RBs in the most advantageous locations to ensure the HVA’s protection.
Define Ramming
To drive or strike a TOI/NCV with significant impact. Ramming is considered an act of unit-defense or deadly force.
Define Reaction Vessel (RV)
A boat used to intercept, engage and, if necessary, destroy a threat to the HVA.
Define Reaction Zone (RZ)
Area within a SZ immediately adjacent to the HVA. Normally extends 1000 yds from the HVA.
Define screening vessel.
A boat interposed between the HVA and the threat.
Define Security Zone (SZ)
Designated areas of land, water or both, established for such time as the COTP deems necessary to prevent damage or injury to any vessel or waterfront facility. Also to safeguard ports, harbors and territories or waters of the U.S.; or to secure the observance of the rights and obligations of the U.S.
Define Shadow
Tac Boat maneuver where a RB inside a SZ maintains a position between a transmitting TOI outside the SZ and the protected HVA
Define Shouldering.
Method used to physically force a vessel to stop or change course. The goal is to gently nudge an uncooperative vessel in a new direction to prevent it from traveling on its intended course and to compel compliance with orders to stop.
Define Statement of no objection (SNO)
The means by which a CG flag officer informs a subordinate commander that the flag officer doesn’t not object to the proposed use of the subordinate commanders lawful discretion and authority.
Tactical Control (TACON)
May be delegated to, and exercised at any level at or below the area commander. Responsible for oversight of assigned assets as well as providing guidance as needed.
Define Target of Interest (TOI)
Any contact (vessel or aircraft) that poses a possible threat to a LE unit or protected asset. TOI is a specific target of interest:
1- A vessel or aircraft meeting established criteria of LE interest.
2- any contact (vessel or aircraft) that poses a specific threat to a LE unit or protected asset.
3- A TOI can be classified as complaint, non-compliant or VPIT
Define VPIT
Vessel posing an imminent threat
Any vessel whose actions pose an imminent threat of death or serious physical injury to any person.
Define warning shot
A signal, usually for a vessel to stop or maneuver in a particular manner or disabling fire will be forthcoming.
Define landside security
Measures or actions taken that prevent or guard against theft, sabotage, terrorism, other federal offenses and/or belligerent acts on a waterfront facility and the property around it.
Define maritime homeland security (MHS)
A federal law enforcement mission carried out by domestic law enforcement authorities, including the CG, and conducted IAW settled LE procedures, the MLEM and other applicable LE polices.
Define Ports, Waterways and coastal security (PWCS)
Protection of the US maritime domain and the US marine transportation system from internal and external threats such as destruction or loss or injury from terrorism, sabotage or other subversive acts.
Threats a crew may encounter
Less dramatic than most tactics, arson has the advantage of low risk to the perpetrator and requires only a low level of technical knowledge.
Threats a crew may encounter
IEDs can be inexpensive to produce and bc of the various detonation techniques available, may be low risk to the perpetrator. However, suicide bombing cannot be overlooked as an employment method. The ability to control casualties through time of detonation, placement of the device and any secondary devices is another feature is IEDs that may be attractive to a potential terrorist.
Threats to a boat crew
Hostage taking
Hostage taking is usually an overt seizure of one or more individuals with the intent of gaining publicity or other concessions.
Threats to a boat crew
Usually a covert seizure of one or more specific persons in order to extract specific demands.
Threats to a boat crew
Sometimes employed as a means for escape, hijakcking is normally carried out to produce a spectacular hostage situation.
Threats to a boat crew
Usually involves a building or object that has value in the eyes of the audience. There is some risk to the terrorist because security forces have time to react and may opt to use force to resolve the incident.