tablet quality Flashcards
What is variation in tablet thickness caused by:
compressive loads die fill: - Raw materials - punch length - machine separation - granule properties
variations in tablet weight caused by:
dimensions of die cavity
amount of fill
density of material
how to determine tablet weight:
weigh 20 tablets individually and determine average mass
≤80 mg 10%
80-250mg 7.5%
≥250mg 5%
not more than 2 individual masses deviate from average mass by more than % deviation and none deviates by more than 2x
What is the friability test for:
ensure that tablets can withstand mechanical shocks and abrasion during manufacturing, packaging ad transportation processes
How to conduct friability tests (acceptance criteria):
if weight >650mg, take 10 tabs
<650mg, take close to 6.5g worth of tabs
run once (15mins), if tabs visually damaged, test has failed
if loss <1%, pass
if >1%, repeat 2 more times and ensure that mean of 3 tests do not > 1%
what is tablet hardness?
Breaking force/crushing strength
how is tablet hardness tested?
Tested across diameter/parallel to longest axis – give information on tablet strength along weakest point in structure
What is the BP recommendation for tablet hardness?
just need to do measurement on 10 tabs and report mean, min, max in N
also need to note down the type of apparatus and orientation of shaped tablets
Why do we need to test for tablet disintegration:
help ensure that tablets/capsules break up after ingestion to ensure rapid dissolution
USP recommendation for tablet disintegration tests:
use Mesh aperture (2mm) and 6 tabs
run the test for 28-32 cycles over 50-60 mm at 37+/-2deg cel for 15 min
Acceptance criteria for tablet disintegration tests:
all particles must pass through #10 mesh screen in time specified. if residue remains, must be soft mass without core
if 1-2 tabs fail, repeat with 12 more units. pass only when ≥16 out of 18 tabs tested disintegrated
Why do we need to do tablet release testing:
meet compendial requirements
design extended/delayed release products
predict biopharmaceutical performance
Acceptance criteria for tablet thickness:
≤5% standard value from mean of 20 tablets