Table Tennis Study Guide Flashcards
How many points are in a game?
Where did Table Tennis originate?
Inverted (non-Chinese)
Surface is smooth with the pimpled side facing towards the blade.
What does the inverted enables the player to?
Generate high levels of spin and speed.
What is spin activated by?
The action of the top speed alone.
Inverted (Chinese)
Have stickier top sheets.
Short Pimples (“pips”)
Usually used by close-to-the-table hitters.
Short pimples do not generate…
As much spin.
Speed generated from a short…
Pip rubber is generally faster.
Long Pimples (“pips”)
Carry out long and soft pips.
Long pimples do not have the ability to…
Generate any real spin of their own.
Long pips are not very…
Susceptible to the opponent’s incoming spin, and tends to “return” the opponent’s spin back upon impact.
Long pips are usually used…
By close-to-the-table blockers, or choppers.
Long pips are used on the backhand side…
As they offer very limited attacking capabilities.
Anti-spin rubbers may look similar…
To inverted ones but the surface is really slick.
Anti-spin rubbers do not generate…
As much real spin but just allows the user to produce a no-spin ball.
Anti-spin is not very susceptible to the opponents…
Incoming spin.
Anti-spin is also used to…
Confuse the opponent.
The player stands behind the…
End of the table, with the ball in the palm of one hand – over the table’s height.
The server tosses…
The ball without spin.
The player must hit the ball once it…
Bounces once on his/her half of the table.
If the ball strikes the net but does not strike the…
Opponent’s half of the table, then a point is awarded to the opponent.
If the ball hits the net but nevertheless goes over and bounces on the other side it is called…
A let (or net-in) The play must be served again.
A player must only commit…
Three lets.
Service alternates between…
Every 2 points.
The penhold grip
is similar to the way one holds a writing instrument.
The penhold grip is…
Curling the middle, ring, and the fourth finger back.
The Japanese penhold grip involves…
Splaying three fingers out across the back of the racket
Traditionally, penhold players…
Use only one side of the racket.
Is a method that one grips the racket similarly to one that performs a handshake.
The shakehand is also referred as …
A “tennis grip” or “western grip”
Speed drive
The racket is primarily perpendicular to the direction of the stroke and most of the energy applied.
Loop drive
Is parallel to the direction of the stroke and the racket thus grazes the ball.
The loop…
Produces a more pronounced loopy arc, with a higher trajectory.
The rush…
Produces a flatter trajectory but carries a more powerful top spin
The hook…
Carries a tilted topspin it bounces sideways and downward upon hitting the table.
Counter drive
The racket it held closed and near the ball, which is hit with a short movement.
When a player tries to attack a ball that has not bounced beyond the edge of he/she does not have the room to wind up the backswing
Will happen when the opponent will return a shot to high.
A smash consists of…
A large backswing and rapid acceleration imparting as much speed on the ball as possible
Usually used for keeping the point alive and creating offensive opportunities.
The slice…
Cuts underneath the ball, imparting backspin and causing the ball to float slowly to the other side of the table
Is the defensive, backspin counterpart to the offensive loop drive.
A chop…
Is essentially a bigger, heavier slice, taken well back from the table.
In a chop
A racket face points horizontally, perhaps a little bit upward and the direction of the stroke is straight down.
A good chop will…
Float nearly horizontally back to the table, in some cases having so much backspin that the ball rises.
A block is executed by…
Simply putting the racket in from of the ball.
Is adding speed to the ball.
Many players use push-block…
When being pressured to back hand.
Side Drive
Is alternately used as a defensive and offensive maneuver.
The premise of this move is…
To put a spin on the ball either to the right or left of the racket.
The stroke consists of simply lifting the ball to an enormous heigh