T3L4 - Inheritance and Genetic Disorder Flashcards
Sexual reproduction
Beneficial combinations of genes to come together
Deleterious combinations of genes to be removed
Genetic diversity
Genetic variation via
- Mutation (errors in DNA replication and repair)
Diploid cells (inherit one set of chromosomes from each parent)
Homologous recombination (HR) between chromosomes during meiosis
Meiosis I
Meiosis I - Prophase
Early Prophase - Chromatin begins to condense following interphase
Mid Prophase - Synapsis aligns homologs and chromosomes condense more
Late Prophase I - Promometaphase - Chromosomes coil and shorten. Crossing over and nuclear envelope breaks down.
Meiosis I - Metaphase
Homologous pairs line up on equatorial metaphase plate
Meiosis I - Anaphase
Homologous chromosomes each with 2 chromatids move to opposite pole
Meiosis I - Telophase
Chromosome gather into nuclei and cell divides
Meiosis II
Prophase - condense
Metaphase - Centrosome of paired chromatids line up at equator plate of each cell
Anaphase - Chromatids finally separate and pulled to opposite poles
Homologous recombination
Occurs during long prophase of meiosis I
2-3 crossover events/chromosome/meiosis
Highly similar DNA sequence binds to complementary sequence on homologous chromosome
Non fatal trisomy
21, 13 or 18
Trisomy 21
Down's syndrome 1 in 750 live births Non-specific effects Mental retardation Broad flat face, slanting eyes Congenital heart disease Intestinal blockage Enlarged colon
Trisomy 13
Patau’s Syndrome
Trisomy 18
Edward’s Syndrome
Monsomy: Turner’s
- Female
- Pubertal failure
- Infertile
- Normal intelligence
- May have:
- neck webbing, heart defects and horseshoe kidneys
Monosomy fatal except X chromosome
Sex chrome syndromes
• XXY: Klinefelter syndrome (male, reduced fertility, lower IQ) May go undiagnosed
• XXX: undiagnosed
XYY: undiagnosed