t31-How do you view the future? Flashcards
Koj puas tau xav txog lub neej tom hauv ntej?
How do you view the future?
Lub ntiateb no…
Will our world…
puas yuav nyob li no mus li?
stay the same?
puas yuav phem zuj zus ntxiv?
get worse?
puas yuav zoo zuj zus tuaj?
get better?
Phau Vajlughub qhia li no
what the Bible says
Vajtswv…yuav so txhua ncos kua muag ntawm lawv qhov muag, txojkev tuag yuav tsis muaj dua li lawm, txojkev quaj ntsuag txojkev quaj thiab kev mob yuav tsis muaj dua li lawm, vim tej qub twb dua tag lawm. -Qhia Tshwm 21:3,4
God…will wipe every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.-Revelation 21:3,4
Phau Vajlugkub yuav pab tau koj li no
What that can mean for you
Koj yuav taus siab rau tes haujlwm uas koj ua.-Yaxaya 65:21-23
Meaningful and satisfying work.-Isaiah 65:21-23
Yuav tsis muaj kev mob kev nkeeg dua li lawm.-Yaxaya 25:8; 33:24.
No more sickness or suffering of any kind.-Isaiah 25:8; 33:24
Cov uas koj hlub tshua yuv tau nyob kaj siab lug mus ib txhis. -Ntawv Nkauj 37:11,29
A happy, unending life with family and friends.-Psalm 37:11,29
Peb ntseeg puas tau phau Vajlugkub tiag?
Can we really believe what the Bible says?
Vajtswv muaj hwjchim ua tau raws li nws cog tseg.
God has the ability to fulfill his promise.
Vajtswv yeej muaj lub siab xav ua raws li nws tau cog tseg.
God has the desire to fulfill his promise.
Kawm ntxiv
To think about
Vajtswv yuav kho lub ntiajteb no li cas?
How will God change our world for the better?
Cov lus teb nyob hauv cov nqe Qajlugkub no: Mathai 6:9,10 thiab Daniyee 2:44
The Bible answers that question at Matthew 6:9,10 and Daniel 2:44.
Kawm Vajlugkub Dawb
To learn more without cost
Nyeem zaj kawm 7 hauv phau ntawv no.
Read lesson 7 of this brochure.
Chaw Nyob
Vajtswv muaj xov zoo rau peb!
Good news from God!