T1: Lectures 6-10 Flashcards
State Maschke’s Theorem
Let (π,W) be a proper subrep of (π,V). There exists some (π,W’) such that
Define a projection onto a subspace
Consider W⊆V. A projection onto subspace W is the linear map T:V→V st
T(w)=w ∀w∈W, T(v)=w ∀v∈V
Define the ‘group algebra’ C(G)
Formal linear combinations of the group elements of the form SUM_g in G a_g [g]
What is the dimension of the group algebra?
dim(C(G)) = |G|
How does rep (λ, C(G)) act on elements of G?
Left multiplies each element by g.
How does Hom_G(C(G),V) relate to V?
Isomorphism: dim(V) = dim(Hom_g(C(G),V))
Given a red rep (π,V) and irr rep (ρ,W), how many times does (ρ,W) appear into a decomp of (π,V) into irr?
State the sum of squares formula
Sum over ρ∈Irr(G): dim(ρ)^2 = |G|
Define the character χ_π for rep (π, V)
χ_π = tr(π(g))
tr = sum of eigenvalues counted w/multiplicity
What is the character of the trivial rep (Id, C^n)
For any 1d rep (π, V) what is the character?
χ_π = π(g)
χ_(π ⊕ ρ) = ??
χ_(π) + χ_(ρ)
χ_π (gh) = ??
χ_π (hg)
χ_π (g^-1) = ??
χ_π (g)*
What shape should a character table be?
Square: rows = columns
What condition is imparted on the columns of a character table?
Sum of squares = |G|/|C|
where C indicates size of conjugacy class.
Define the class function f: G → C
A function that is constant on conjugacy classes.
Define the inner product of class functions/characters χ and ψ
1/|G| SUM_g (χ(g)*ψ(g))
= 1 if χ=ψ
=0 else
Note this is element g in G not conjugacy class
What condition is there on different columns of a conjugacy table?
Inner product between two different columns must be zero.
Given V and W are two representations of G with characters χ and ψ respectively, define ⟨χ, ψ⟩
⟨χ, ψ⟩ = dim Hom_G(V, W)
Give the alternate definition of the representation (π,C^G). What is this isomorphic to?
(π(g)f)(h) = f(g^-1 h)
Isomorphic to the regular representation C[G].
Give the inner product of characters from the same conjugacy class (i.e. ip of column with itself)
SUM_χ χ*(Ci)χ(Ci) = |G|/|C_i|
What does the inner product of two reps tell us about the Hom space between them?
Given W ⊂ V and π projects w to W, what can we say about V?
V = ker(π) ⊕ W
How does multiplication for basis vectors of the group algebra behave?
[g][h] = [gh]
How does a rep of G act on the group algebra?
Replace any basis vector with the rep action
How do the characters of iso reps relate?
Characters are the same
What condition do we impart on the rows of the character table?
Ip same row = 1 if reducible.
Ip diff rows = 0