T1 Biological molecules Flashcards
A biochemical test for reducing sugar produces a negative result with raffinose solution.
Describe a biochemical test to show that raffinose solution contains a non-reducing sugar. 3 marks
- Heat with acid and neutralise;
Accept boil/water bath for heat
Accept named alkali for neutralise
Accept named examples, eg HCl, NaHCO3 - Heat with Benedict’s (solution);
- Red precipitate/colour;
Accept other colours eg orange/ brown/green
A precipitate is produced in a positive result for reducing sugar in a Benedict’s test.
A precipitate is solid matter suspended in solution.
A student carried out the Benedict’s test. Suggest a method, other than using a colorimeter, that this student could use to measure the quantity of reducing sugar in a solution. 2 marks
1. Filter and dry (the precipitate);
Accept: correct reference to evaporation after filtration
2. Find mass/weight;
What is a monomer? 1 mark
(a monomer is a smaller / repeating) unit / molecule from which larger molecules / polymers
are made;
Reject atoms / elements / ’building blocks’ for units / molecules
Ignore examples
Lactulose is a disaccharide formed from one molecule of galactose and one molecule of fructose.
Other than both being disaccharides, give one similarity and one difference between the structures of lactulose and lactose. 2 marks
1. Both contain galactose / a glycosidic bond;
Ignore references to hydrolysis and / or condensation
2. Lactulose contains fructose, whereas lactose contains glucose;
Ignore alpha / beta prefix for glucose
Difference must be stated, not implied
Glycogen and cellulose are both carbohydrates.
Describe two differences between the structure of a cellulose molecule and a glycogen molecule. 2 marks
- Cellulose is made up of β-glucose (monomers) and glycogen is made up of
α-glucose (monomers); - Cellulose molecule has straight chain and glycogen is branched;
- Cellulose molecule has straight chain and glycogen is coiled;
- glycogen has 1,4- and 1,6- glycosidic bonds and cellulose has only 1,4-
glycosidic bonds;
Ignore ref. to H bonds / microfibrils
Starch is a carbohydrate often stored in plant cells.
Describe and explain two features of starch that make it a good storage molecule.
2 marks
Any two from:
1. Insoluble (in water), so doesn’t affect water potential;
2. Branched / coiled / (α-)helix, so makes molecule compact;
Branched / coiled / (α-)helix so can fit many (molecules) in small area;
3. Polymer of (α-)glucose so provides glucose for respiration;
4. Branched / more ends for fast breakdown / enzyme action;
5. Large (molecule), so can’t cross the cell membrane
Require feature and explanation for 1 mark
1. Accept Ψ or WP
1. Accept Insoluble so doesn’t affect osmosis
1. Do not allow ref to ‘doesn’t affect water leaving cells
4. Ignore ‘surface area’
4. Accept ‘branched so glucose readily released’
Describe the structure of glycogen 2 marks
- Polysaccharide of α-glucose;
polymer of α-glucose; - (Joined by) glycosidic bonds
Branched structure;
During early pregnancy, the glycogen in the cells lining the uterus is an important energy source for the embryo.
Suggest how glycogen acts as a source of energy.
Do not include transport across membranes in your answer.
2 marks
- Hydrolysed (to glucose);
- Glucose used in respiration;
- Ignore ‘Broken down’
- ‘Energy produced’ disqualifies mp2
Suggest and explain two ways the cell-surface membranes of the cells lining the uterus may be adapted to allow rapid transport of nutrients. 2 marks
- Membrane folded so increased / large surface area;
Membrane has increased / large surface area for (fast) diffusion / facilitated
diffusion / active transport / co-transport; - Large number of protein channels / carriers (in membrane) for facilitated
diffusion; - Large number of protein carriers (in membrane) for active transport;
- Large number of protein (channels / carriers in membrane) for co-transport;
- Accept ‘microvilli to increase surface area’
- Reject reference to villi.
Note feature and function required for each marking point and
reference to large / many / more.
List rule applies.
Starch molecules and cellulose molecules have different functions in plant cells. Each molecule is adapted for its function.
Explain one way in which starch molecules are adapted for their function in plant cells. 2 marks
(b) 1. Insoluble;
2. Don’t affect water potential;
3. Helical;
Accept form spirals
4. Compact;
5. Large molecule;
6. Cannot leave cell.
What term is used to describe the different structures of α-glucose and β-glucose? 1 mark
Cotton is a plant fibre used to make cloth. Explain how cellulose gives cotton its strength 3 marks
(long) straight / unbranched chains;
(idea of more than 1) chains lie side by side / form (micro)fibrils;
idea of H bonds holding chains together;
Describe how a triglyceride molecule is formed. 3 marks
- One glycerol and three fatty acids;
- Condensation (reactions) and removal of three molecules of water;
- Ester bond(s) (formed);
Accept all marks in suitably labelled diagram OR in a balanced
Describe how you would test a liquid sample for the presence of lipid and how you would recognise a positive result.
2 marks
- (Mix / shake sample) with ethanol, then water;
Sequence is important - White / milky (emulsion);
Ignore cloudy
Reject precipitate
Suggest one advantage of the different percentage of cholesterol in red blood cells compared with cells lining the ileum.
1 mark
Red blood cells free in blood / not supported by other cells so cholesterol helps to maintain shape;
Allow converse for cell from ileum – cell supported by others in
endothelium so cholesterol has less effect on maintaining shape.
E. coli has no cholesterol in its cell-surface membrane. Despite this, the cell maintains a constant shape. Explain why.
2 marks
- Cell unable to change shape;
- (Because) cell has a cell wall;
- (Wall is) rigid / made of peptidoglycan / murein.