T1: 3. Entanglement and Applications Flashcards
Define Bell states
The set of four maximally entangled two-qubit states which form an orthonormal basis.
Give the general form of a Bell state
B_xy = 1/√2 (|0 y⟩ + (-1)^x|1 y ̅ ⟩)
Why can bipartite systems not create Bell states from separable states?
The required local operation would only transform a separable state to a separable state. Similarly, a measurement by Alice and/or Bob would also result
in a separable state
Describe super dense coding between A&B
If A&B share a Bell state and A acts an LO onit to become B_xy this does not affects B’s state. A sends the state and B projects on to a sum of |B_xy⟩⟨B_xy|. This returns the number (xy).
In SD coding, what happens if A’s qubit is intercepted?
If E intercepts A’s qubit then E only has a density matrix independent of xy. E also has no access to B’s part of the system.
State the no-cloning theorem
It is impossible to create a copy of an unknown state.
Describe encryption for transmitting some number n.
Send F(n) with the receiver knowing the inverse function. F^-1 should be sufficiently difficult to find that by the time it is done, the information is redundant.
How does RSA create a secure key?
It multiplies two high-digit primes: m=p*q. It is easy to compute m, but very difficult to determine p and q given m.
Describe how a OTP encodes and decodes an n-bit number.
Choose a number k, which is the same length as n. Add the two numbers modulo 2 and send this message. Decrypt by adding the key modulo 2 to this message.
Briefly describe the process of QKD
Alice chooses a basis from X or Z knowing and assigns a number to each basis state. She sends her qubit to Bob who randomly measures S_x or S_z. Alice and Bob shares their choices (X,Z basis or S_x,S_z measurement). If they agree they add the number to their key.
Describe how Eve can intercept QKD
She can choose either S_z or S_x to always measure. If she matches with Alice, she will not affect the state and will know the outcome is part of the key.
If she does not match Alice she will change the state Bob receives. If Bob and Alice agree, Bob will correctly measure 50% of the time.
How much of the correct QKD can Eve determine
Alice = Eve: 50%. This does not change the state so 100% of kept numbers, Eve will know.
Alice != Eve:50% Eve changes the state. Of kept numbers 50% will be correct. 50%*50%=25%
Total: 75% code
How can Alice and Bob find out if Eve has intercepted their QKD?
Share a portion of the key and compare where theirs differ. This is where changes have been made to the state.
What does ‘local’ mean in local realism?
Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.
What does ‘realism’ mean in local realism?
Measurements are deterministic; they properly describe the state of the system.