T-swords-keywords Flashcards
Ace Of Swords
Breakthroughs, new ideas, mental clarity, success, clarity, new idea, concentration, vision, force, focus, truth
Two Of Swords
Difficult decisions, weighing up options, an impasse, avoidance, stalemate, difficult choices, stuck in the middle, denial, hidden information
Three Of Swords
Heartbreak, emotional pain, sorrow, grief, hurt, separation, sadness, upset, loss, trauma, tears
Four Of Swords
Rest, relaxation, meditation, contemplation, recuperation, peace, sanctuary, self-protection, rejuvenation
Five Of Swords
Conflict, disagreements, competition, defeat, winning at all costs, arguments, disputes, aggression, bullying, intimidation, hostility, stress
Six Of Swords
Transition, change, rite of passage, releasing baggage, moving on, departure, leaving behind, distance, accepting lessons
Seven Of Swords
Betrayal, deception, getting away with something, acting strategically, lies, trickery, scheming, strategy, resourcefulness, sneakiness, cunning
Eight Of Swords
Negative thoughts, self-imposed restriction, imprisonment, victim mentality, trapped, restricted, victimised, paralysed, helpless, powerless
Nine Of Swords
Anxiety, worry, fear, depression, nightmares, negativity, breaking point, despair, isolation
Ten Of Swords
Painful endings, deep wounds, betrayal, loss, crisis, ruin, failure, bitterness, collapse, exhaustion, dead end, victimization
Page Of Swords
New ideas, curiosity, thirst for knowledge, new ways of communicating, curious, witty, chatty, communicative, inspired, vigilant, alert, mental agility
Knight Of Swords
Ambitious, action-oriented, driven to succeed, fast-thinking, assertive, direct, impatient, intellectual, daring, focused, perfectionist
Queen Of Swords
Independent, unbiased judgement, clear boundaries, direct communication, honest, principled, fair, constructive criticism, objective, perceptive
King Of Swords
Mental clarity, intellectual power, authority, truth, reason, discipline, integrity, morality, serious, high standards, strict