T 7 Taser Flashcards
Considerations of taser
before drawing and during use of Taser you should
continually assess the situation, whilst always
having a back-up plan
Rear sight
Front Sight
Speaker port
Arc switch
Rechargeable battery back
Cartridge release button
Central information display
Cartridge Bay
What do the lasers do?
Top is green, bottom is red. They are angled at 3.5 degrees
Spread of cartridge and range
30cm for every 3.3m of travel. 7.6 m range
What is the goal of the taser
The goal is to induce a neuro muscular incapacitation.This can be done by discharging the taser in both hemispheres of the body. (above and below the waistline.
Preferred target zone
The back is the most preferred target area when reasonably practicable
because it contains larger muscle groups and reduces risk of hitting
sensitive body areas.
Target Below Neck (green zone)
▪ Large muscles
▪ Avoid head and neck.
The back/rear of the body is the preferred target zone.
Secondary Target Zone
The front of the body is the secondary target
Avoid where
Head, neck, chest for female and crotch areas.
Criterion to Draw and Cover with CEW
Do not draw your Taser, point it, or aim it unless you consider you are likely to
be justified in using it.
Where circumstances dictate the drawing of a Taser from the holster to cover a
subject, the Taser must be immediately armed upon removal from the
holster by moving the safety switch to the (Fire) position.
Actions that may constitute a Hazardous Practice include:
Accidental discharge of the Taser.
Recklessly pointing or aiming a Taser at another officer
Failing to safely store and secure a Taser which results in an accidental discharge.
Voluntary exposure to Taser
Under NO circumstances will police undertake voluntary exposures from a
Conducted Electrical Weapon.
Taser Use Restrictions
A Taser should not be used in any mode:
* near explosive materials, flammable liquids, or gasses due to the possibility of
* on persons where there is a likelihood of significant secondary injuries for example:
a fall from an elevated position
* punitively for the purposes of coercion or as a prod to make a person move
* against passive non-compliant subjects who are exhibiting non-threatening
behaviour which may include:
* refusing to move or offering little or no physical resistance
* refusing to comply with police instructions
* acting as a dead weight or requiring an officer to lift, pull, drag, or push them in
order to maintain control
* to rouse an unconscious, impaired or intoxicated subject
* to target known pre-existing injury areas of a subject
* against a mental health patient solely to make them submit to
medication or treatment
* unless it is in the performance of the officer’s duties or at an approved weapons
training day
* for crowd dispersal at a lawful demonstration or industrial dispute
Taser should not be used unless exceptional
circumstances exist.
- against a subject who is handcuffed
- against a female(s) suspected on reasonable grounds of being pregnant
- on an elderly or disabled subject(s)
- on a small child or subject(s) of particularly small body mass
- against the driver of a vehicle or the operator of machinery where there is a danger
of the vehicle or machinery becoming out of control and posing a risk to the
occupant(s) and/or bystander(s) - Fleeing should not be the sole justification for using a Taser against a subject.
Officers should consider the subject’s threat level to themselves or others and the
risk of injury to the subject before deciding to use a Taser. - Drive Stun for pain compliance
The cycle of a taser
Shot will last 5 seconds. You can shoot the second one and both will activate. You can arc switch and that will activate both that have already been shot for 5 seconds
Painting Directing the RED and GREEN laser sights onto a subject combined
with verbal communication that identify to the subject where the probes are going to
Modes of use
Warning Arc
Probes discharged
Drive stun
What to do if taser is used ?
Ambulance personnel are to be called on ALL occasions when a subject
has been Tasered.
Also call supervisor.
If not in a sensitive area and with consent. Get sharps bin, gloves and remove probes carefully.
How many tasers between two officers? Can you hand to other officer?
Tasers should not be handed over to other officers in the field
unless exceptional circumstances exist
One taser per two PO
What must you do with a taser?
Function test and end of shift.
Important item
CEWS can ignite Fuels, Défense & Hair Sprays