T-6 By The Numbers Section VI Flashcards
Pitch force during maneuvering flight conditions, aft CGs (lbs/G)
9 lbs/G
Pitch force during maneuvering flight conditions, fwd CGs (lbs/G)
12 lbs/G
Pull force w/ PCL idle & full nose up trim (lbs)
8 lbs
Maximum allowable fuel imbalance (lbs)
50 lbs
Maximum flap operating speed (KIAS)
150 KIAS
Aileron Roll recommended entry speed (KIAS)
180 – 220 KIAS
Wingover/Lazy Eight recommended entry speed (KIAS)
200-220 KIAS
Barrel Roll recommended entry speed (KIAS)
200-220 KIAS
Clover leaf recommended entry speed (KIAS)
200 – 220 KIAS
Chandelle recommended entry speed (KIAS)
200-250 KIAS
Loop recommended entry speed (KIAS)
230 – 250 KIAS
Cuban Eight recommended entry speed (KIAS)
230 – 250 KIAS
Immelmann recommended entry speed (KIAS)
230-250 KIAS
Split-S recommended entry speed (KIAS)
120-140 KIAS
Inverted flight recommended entry speed (KIAS)
180 – 200 KIAS
Greatest yawing tendency, uncoordinated rolling pullouts G loading (G)
2 G
Uncoordinated rolling pull out, roll input limit with greater than +2 G (stick deflection)
½ stick
Maximum bank angle change for uncoordinated rolling maneuvers at -1 G (deg)
180 deg
Best glide speed, clean configuration (KIAS)
125 KIAS
Best glide sink rate, clean (fpm)
1350 fpm
Best glide speed, landing gear down, flaps/speed brake up (KIAS)
105 KIAS
Best glide sink rate, gear down, flaps/speed brake up (fpm)
1500 fpm
Turbulent air penetration speed, Vg (KIAS)
195 KIAS
Severe windshear airspeed changes (KIAS)
> 15 KIAS
Severe windshear vertical speed changes (fpm)
> 500 fpm
Microburst duration (mins)
2-5 mins
Microburst area diameter (miles)
2 miles
Microburst downdraft velocity (fpm)
In excess of 6000 fpm
Zero thrust power setting (% torque)
4 – 6% torque
Stick shaker activation speed above stall (KIAS)
5 – 10 KIAS
Natural stall warning speed above stall (KIAS)
Pitch possible during entry to wings-level stall and 100% torque (deg)
45 deg NH
Full right rudder and right aileron above ___ % torque may not prevent left roll-off at stall
60 % toque
Inverted stall pitch nose above horizon, 100% torque (deg)
30 deg NH
Maximum sustained heavy buffet G loading (G)
3 G’s
Wings-level stall altitude loss (ft)
100 ft
Length of incipient spin phase (# of turns)
Approximately 2 turns
Altitude loss during typical steady-state, 6-turn spin (ft)
4500 ft
Spiral airspeed (KIAS)
Increasing through 160 KIAS
Increasing through 160 KIAS
Maximum spin entry pitch attitude (deg)
50 deg NH
Minimum spin altitude (ft PA)
10,000 ft MSL
Propeller stressed (% Np)
40 psi
Minimum spin oil pressure, pcl idle (psi)
40 psi
Nose pitch in erect spins (deg)
Approximately 60 deg NL
Near steady-state turns (#)
Erect spin stabilized rotation rate (sec/turn)
2 to 3 sec/turn
Erect spin altitude loss (ft/turn)
400 to 500 ft/turn
Erect spin angle of attack (units AOA)
18+ units AOA
Erect spin stabilized airspeed (KIAS)
120 – 135 KIAS
Roll and yaw oscillations in spins after ___ (# of turns)
of turns for progressive spin reversal (# of turns)
1.5 to 2 turns
Progressive spin airspeed during reversal (KIAS)
175 (KIAS)
Aggravated spin pitch attitude (deg)
Approximately 70 deg NL
Aggravated spin roll rate (deg/sec)
280 deg/sec
Maximum aggravated spin turns (#)
Aggravated spin testing conducted to (# of turns)
Inverted spin entry pitch attitude (deg)
60 – 90 deg NH
Inverted spin entry speed (KIAS)
Inverted spin stabilized turn rate (deg/sec)
120 deg/sec
Inverted spin number of turns until stabilized (#)
Inverted spin pitch oscillations about (deg)
30 deg NL
Inverted spin airspeed (KIAS)
Normal inverted spin acceleration (G)
-1.5 G
Inverted spin AOA (units AOA)
0 units AOA
Push force required to move stick well forward of neutral (lbs)
50 lbs
Spinning ceases after applying controls (# of turns)
1.5 turns
Spin altitude loss (ft/turn)
1500-2000 ft
Controls neutral spin recovery spin rotation ceases (# of turns)
Within 2 additional turns
Dive recovery reaction time (seconds)
3 seconds