Systems and Structure of the Body Flashcards
System that obtains oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from the body
System that Supports and protects the body, forms blood cells, and stores minerals. Produces movement.
System that pumps blood throughout the entire body to transport nutrients. Oxygen and wastes
Transports oxygen, protects against pathogens and promotes clotting to control bleeding
Helps maintain the fluid balance of the body and contributes to the body’s immune system
Lymphatic system
Receivers sensory info and coordinates the body’s response
Nervous system
Ingests, digests, and absorbs nutrients for the body.
Digestive system.
Forms protective barrier and aids in temperature regulation
Integumentary system
Regulates metabolic/hormonal activities of the body
Filters waste products out of the blood and removes them from the body
Renal system
Produces sperm for reproduction
Male reproductive system
Produces eggs and provides nutrients and place for growing baby
Female reproductive system