systems Flashcards
Takeoff Configuration Button checks:
- Parking brake
- Pitch trim
- Flaps
- Spoilers
Windshield Heat Logic
Requires two AC sources on ground (except for 120 second power-up test), and two in air to run both sides.
In air, one source is sufficient for left side only.
If left windshield heat fails, right side will activate.
When does wing anti-ice turn on?
(i) If in T/O dataset, at 40 knots GS
(ii) If not in T/O dataset, but manually activated, at liftoff
(iii) If detected, automatically at 1,700 AFE or two minutes after liftoff
What triggers the activation of ADSP heat?
Starting an engine
Passenger Cabin Masks Deploy at:
14,000 to 14,750 cabin presssure altitude
Instrument and equipment available on RAT only:
IRS 1, NAV 1, COMM 2, MCDU 2, CCD 1, FMS 2
When does engine anti-ice turn on?
Whenever an engine is running and:
(i) ENG is on in T/O dataset
(ii) Ice protection manually activated
(iii) If detected, upon reaching 1,700 AFE or two minutes after liftoff
Trend lines for speed and alt indicate future speed or alt after how many seconds:
10 seconds speed trend
6 second altitude trend
SE Engine Taxi contraindicated for
- Ramp/Taxiway surface contamination
- Maneuvering room in the ramp/gate area is marginal
- Taxi time to/from a runway is expected to be < 5 minutes
- Airport-specific regulations prohibit single-engine taxi
- Risk of injury to personnel or damage to equipment
AC Power is conditioned to what standard?
115 VAC, 400 hz, 3 phase
Items to check on BAT 1/2 to ON/AUTO:
Screen 2: MFD Status
Screen 3: EICAS
IESS: Aligning
Battery Voltage: >22.5 (or at least 21.0)
DC Fuel Pump Logic:
Off, except:
(1) ENG 2 or APU is started AND
(2) AC Fuel Pump 2 not available (no AC power or pump fail)
IDG Panel Light triggered by:
High oil temperature or low oil pressure
Water dump light turns off:
(1) Gear down
(2) Tank empty
(3) Mast heat failure
(4) Button pressed
Standard emergency and minimum fuel calculations based on what configuration:
1,500 AFE clean at green dot
Brakes deactivated on landing until:
(1) Three seconds after WoW
(2) Wheel speed > 50 knots
Landing gear aural:
(1) Flaps 5 or Full
(2) RA below 700 AGL & TLA < 45 for two engines; TLA < 59 for OEI
(3) Dual RA fail (can be silenced by warning inhibition button for flap positions < 5).
ATTCS commands RSV when:
- Difference between both engine N1 values is greater than 15%
- One engine failure during takeoff
- One engine failure during go-around
- Windshear detection
Recirculating fans, when in auto mode will turn off if:
No PACKs operating or smoke detected in cargo or recirculation bay
How many pax O2 masks per row? How long do they last?
6 per row.
12 minutes after pull.
Cargo Fire Extinguish Logic:
If EICAS Fire/Smoke message, one press discharges high rate bottle. If no EICAS message, first press arms high rate bottle for two minutes, turn of recirc and shut outflow valve. After high rate bottle discharges, in flight low rate bottle discharges after 60 seconds. On ground, additional press required to discharge low rate bottle.
What happens when DUMP is depressed?
(1) Opens the OFV to 2,000 FPM equivalent descent to 12,400 cabin altitude, then closes OFV–ONLY IF CABIN ALT IS IN AUTO MODE
(2) PACKs off
(3) Recirculation fans off
Fuel imbalance annunciator turns on at what level and turns off at what level?
On at 794lbs imbalance,
Off at 100lbs imbalance.
How long is crew O2 planned to last?
22 minutes at 100% followed by 98 minutes on NORM.
E-PBIT: Trigger, Interrupt, Time, Valid
Trigger: Any AC Source On
Interrupt: Any hydraulic pump on, power interrupted, FC mode cycled
Time: 3 minutes
Valid: 50 hours
Overpressure valve opens at?
8.6 psi
Hydraulic Fluid temperature caution levels
100 degrees -> Caution
125 degrees -> Hydraulic Shut off
145 degrees -> Overheat
PBE: How to test and when does it need replacement if bad?
Blue = good
Purple = bad
replace w/in 36 hours
Maximum slat/flap with RAT deployed as sole power source:
Position 3
Autobrakes disabled by:
(1) Application of 20% pressure
(2) System faults (less than 60 kts)
(3) Thrust levers greater than idle
ADSP on during before start flow if:
< -18 on FFOD
< 0 with visible moisture
Contaminated on inspection
PFD errors
ACMP in AUTO turns on if:
(a) on ground, flaps greater than 0 AND (i) 50 kts ground speed OR (ii) TLA > 70 (~TOGA)
(b) in air, (i) flaps greater than 0 or (ii) EDP or (iii) engine failure
(c) ACMP2 turns on when Engine 1 starter for single-engine taxi. (ACMP1 manual if taxiing on eng. 2), but will shut down after 6 minutes with parking brake on.
Wing anti-ice test: when and what
10,000 feet or 10 minutes after takeoff. Runs until slat temperature increase by 10 degrees or 1 minute.
Power available from each AC source:
Each IDG: 40 kVA
RAT: 15kVA
AC/DC Inverter: 250 VA
Ground spoiler deployment logic:
- WoW
- Wheel speed > 45 kts or airspeed > 60 KIAS
- TLA < 26 degrees.
1. TLA > 35 degrees or
2. Wheel speed < 45 kts for more than 3 seconds
Speedbrakes retract if:
(1) AS below 180
(2) Flaps more than 1
(3) TLA > 70 degrees (near TOGA)
AC Fuel Pump 1 (2) Auto Logic:
Off, except:
(1) Engine 1 (2) starting
(2) Crossfeed LOW 2 (1) selected
(3) Main ejector pump fail
(4) (Number 2 only) APU or starting or running without engine 2 but with AC power
Not on AC ESS bus.
APU auto-shutdown conditions?
Flight or Ground (UFO)
Ground only (SHELF)
Sensor fail
High oil temp
EGT high
Low Oil Press