System's Development Lifecycle for Creative Design Flashcards
Development Lifecycle for Creative Design
“Generate ideas and brainstorm potential solutions for the problem or need. Encourage creativity through mind mapping, design thinking, and user story workshops.”
“Assess the feasibility of the ideas regarding technical, operational, and financial aspects.”
Feasibility Analysis
Type of Conceptualization
Feasibility Analysis
“Use creative methods to gather requirements, such as user interviews, role-playing, and scenario-based storytelling. This helps in uncovering innovative needs and solutions.”
Creative Exploration
Document the requirements in a detailed and structured manner.
Type of Requirements Gathering
Creative Exploration
“Develop creative and innovative design solutions. Visualize the design using wireframes, prototypes, and mockups. Encourage iterative design reviews and feedback sessions.”
Creative Design
“Translate the creative design into technical specifications, including system architecture, data models, and interface designs.”
Technical Design
Type of Design
Creative Design
Technical Design
Develop the system based on the design specifications. Allow for flexibility and creativity in coding practices and problem-solving.
Build prototypes to validate design choices and gather feedback. Iterate on prototypes to refine the system.
Type of Development
Use exploratory testing techniques to discover issues that traditional test cases may not cover. Encourage testers to think creatively about potential problem areas.
Creative Testing Approaches
Collect and integrate feedback from users and stakeholders to improve the system.
Feedback Integration
Type of Testing
Creative Testing Approaches
Feedback Integration
“Develop and execute innovative deployment strategies, such as phased rollouts or beta testing, to ensure smooth implementation.”
Creative Deployment Strategies
Provide training that incorporates creative approaches to help users adapt to the new system effectively.
User Training
Type of Deployment and Training
Creative Deployment Strategies
User Training
Encourage ongoing creativity to address new challenges and improve the system based on user feedback and evolving requirements.
Continuous Improvement
“Provide support using creative methods, such as interactive help systems, user communities, and AI-driven assistance.”
Innovative Support
Type of Maintenance and Support
Continuous Improvement
Innovative Support
Conduct post-implementation reviews to assess the system’s and development process’s effectiveness. Use creative evaluation techniques to gather diverse insights and identify areas for improvement.
Creative Reflection
Type of Evaluation
Creative Reflection