System Purposes Flashcards
Electrical systems
Generate and transmit electric power into the PJM network
Main Steam
- Deliver steam from the Nuclear Boiler to the Main Turbine at rated flow, temperature, and pressure from turbine warm-up to valves wide open
- Provide steam to the Steam Jet Air Ejectors, Steam Seal Evaporator, Reactor Feed Pump Turbines, Off Gas Recombiner Preheater, and Condenser Hotwell Steam Spargers
- Bypass steam to the condensers during startup and when reactor steam production is greater than required by the turbine
Main Turbine
Convert thermal energy from Main Steam to rotational mechanical energy for the Main Generator
Turbine Supervisory Instruments
Contains the operating and indicating devices necessary to operate the turbine
Extraction Steam
Supplies steam from the HP turbine, cross around piping, and LP turbines to the six stages of Feedwater heaters
Seal Steam
Provide a continuous supply of clean (low level radioactive) steam to the Main Turbine and Reactor Feed Pump Turbine shaft seals, and the stem packing for the Main Steam Valves, Main Turbine Control Valves, Combined Intermediate Valves, and Reactor Feed Pump Turbine stop and control valves
Main Turbine Lube Oil
- Provide clean, pressurized oil to the Main Turbine thrust bearing, Main Turbine and Main Generator journal bearings, lift pump suction, Hydrogen Seal Oil, and Reactor Feed Pump Turbine lube oil systems.
- Provide high pressure oil for the turbine over speed ring and turbine low speed switch.
Lube Oil Storage and Treatment
Store clean oil for makeup, and dirty oil for purification or disposal.
Oily Waste
Receives oily waste from various sources via a piping manifold and sump and transfers the waste to an underground tank
- Supply clean oxygenated water to the Feedwater system at required pressure, flow, and temperature to assure NPSHA for the Reactor Feed Pumps for maintaining RPV level during startup, operation, and hot shutdown.
- Supply clean water to the suction of the Control Rod Drive Pump
- Automatically maintain Main Condenser level
- Condense and deaerate the drains from the Feedwater Heaters and other components in the heat cycle
- Serve as a heat sink for the turbine bypass steam, steam line drains, heat cycle relief discharge, Feedwater heater dumps, Reactor Feed Pump seal drains, and other misc. flows.
- Retain for a minimum of two minutes the condensate formed during full load operation, to allow radioactive decay before returning the Condensate to the cycle.
- Maintain the Condensate purity by removing corrosion products, suspended, and dissolved solids, and fission, and activation products.
- Provide a passive hold-up and radioactive decay volume following an accident for any leakage through the Main Steam Isolation Valves as part of the MSIV leakage alternate drain pathway
Hotwell Makeup and Reject
Maintains Hotwell level during steady state and transient conditions
Condensate Filter
Provide Mechanical filtration of Condensate to maintain a high degree of purity in the Feedwater and Nuclear Boiler systems
Deep Bed Demineralizers
Provide ionic filtration of Condensate to maintain a high degree of purity in the Feedwater and Nuclear Boiler system
Condensate Storage and Transfer
- Supply water to fill the Reactor Well, the Dryer/Separator Storage Pool, and Spent Fuel pool
- Supply water to the Cask Storage Pit of one unit during refueling operations, and provide storage for this water when refueling is completed.
- Supply Condensate for various processes in the Radwate Systems and makeup for the plant systems including the Hotwells
- Supply a minimum of 135,000 gallons of Condensate to the HPCI pump, Reactor Core Isolation Cooling pump, and Core Spray pumps
- Alternate supply of water to the CRD system during plant shutdown
- Provide capability to Demineralize the water in the Refueling Water Storage Tank by pumping it through the Condensate Demineralizers
- Provide storage for condensate rejected from the Drain Cooler Inlet Header and Radwaste Systems
- Provide the capability to drain the Reactor Well through the Condensate Demineralizers and back to the RWST