syphilis Flashcards
diagnosis of syphilis
darkfield microscopy of exudates from lesions
2 serological tests
primary syphilis
heals spontaneously in 1-8w
external genitalia, perianal region, mouth, throat
single painless ulcer or chancre at site of infection, may also present with multiple atypical or painful lesions
secondary syphilis
develops 2-8w after initial infection in untreated or inadequately treated individual; disappears in 4-10w if untreated
multisystem involvement due to hematogenous and lymphatic spread
can include skin rash, mucocutaneous lesions and lymphadenopathy
latent syphilis
early latent < 1y
late latent > 1y
develops 4-10w after secondary state in untreated or inadequately treated individual
possible multisystem involvement
asymptomatic but picked up by serology testing; internal organs continue to be affected by infection
tertiary syphilis
develops in approx 30% of untreated/inadequately treated individuals 10-30y after initial infection
possible multisystem
can present with gummatous lesions in joints leading to impaired movement; cardiac involvement leading to heart-aortic insufficiency
CNS involvement in any stage
cognitive dysfunction, motor or sensory deficits, ophthalmic or auditory symptoms, signs and symptoms of meningitis, stroke, etc
treponemal test
uses treponemal antigen to detect treponemal antibody
sensitive and specific, used as confirmatory tests
not used for monitoring
non-treponemal test
VDRL, RPR test
uses cardiolipin to detect treponemal antibodies
most dilute serum concentration with positive reaction reported
antibody titres correlate with disease activity, used as tool to monitor response to treatment
Primary, secondary or early latent syphilis treatment
Benzathine penicillin G IM 2.4mU 1 dose
or Doxycycline PO 100mg BD 14d
late latent, unknown duration, tertiary syphilis treatment
Benzathine penicillin G IM 2.4mU once a week x 3 doses
or Doxycycline PO 100mg BD 28d
neurosyphilis treatment
Crystalline penicillin G IV 3-4mU Q4h or 18-24mU/d as continuous infusion 10-14d
Procaine penicillin G IM 2.4mU daily plus probenacid PO 500mg QDS 10-14d
ceftriaxone IV/IM 2g Q24h 10-14d
monitoring of syphilis treatment
jarisch-herxheimer reaction
primary/secondary: quantitative VDRL and RPR at 6 and 12m; decrease of titre by at least 4 folds
latent: 6, 12, 24m
neurosyphilis: CSF exam every 6m until normal