Syntax Mid Term Flashcards
Human Language Capacity
Chomsky term
Part of Brain that allows you to speak
Instantiation of HLC ability. (English, French)etc.
Principles and parameters/ minimalism
Generative grammar
Linguistic scient. Method
Gather and observe data
Make generalizations
Develop hypothesis
Rules/ grammar
Rules are hypothesis
Groups of these that describe a language is grammar
Describe how people should speak
Describes how people actually speak
Noun ending with -self
Must agree in gender with the noun it refers too
Refers to the case form the pronouns take when in subject position
Refers to the form they take when in object positions (John loves me)
Grammaticality judgement task
Asking a native speaker to read a sentence and ask whether it is well formed.
Semantic ill-formedness
When meaning of sentence is strange but the form is okay. #the tooth brush is pregnant Mark with #
Syntactically ill-formed
When a sentence is structurally wrong.
*toothbrush the is blue
Mark with *
Garden path sentence
Usually missing articles and this, that, these, those
Kinds of language that are actually produced and heard